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My confession is that I am disgusted with my finance's weight gain. In the last 2 years he has gained almost 70lbs, he is really close to 300lbs now. He stopped working out and he eats huge amounts of sugary snacks all day.

I don't say anything to him because I don't want to make him feel bad about himself but it's gotten to the point that I don't even want to be intimate with him.

His health is starting to suffer from his weight gain, his doctor keeps telling him he needs to lose weight but he tells his doctor he doesn't have time which is not true or comes up with other excuses but that's all they are is excuses.

I try to get him to be more active and when we're together make healthy food to eat but that's only 3 days a week, the other 4 days when were not together he's lazy and eats like a pig. The bigger he gets the more unhappy he becomes but he won't take responsibility and do something about it.

I don't know what to do or what to say to him to get him motivated without hurting his feelings. I don't mean to sound shallow but this is not what I signed up for. He has never had a model body, which I was ok with, but at least he tried to be healthy and that's all I want again. Let's face it, physical attraction is an important part of relationships and I'm just not physically attracted to him anymore. I still love him but I'm nervous about marrying him and have been putting off setting a date because of his new weight.

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