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The present, December 1996

"I'm worried about him, Jim," Nancy said, stirring the food she had been cooking on the stove.  She sighed as she set the spoon back down on the plate beside it, turning to her husband.

Jim studied her for a moment.  She looked tired.  And her hair was disheveled.  She had on a stained sweatshirt with a pair of old raggedy jeans.  He couldn't help it but to shake his head.  "And I'm worried about YOU."

Her brow creased with confusion.  "Me?  But I'm fine.  Im doing okay."

He rolled his eyes, placing a hand on his hip.  "How'd you sleep last night?"

Nancy groaned, turning back to stir the chili on the stove.  "I'm just worried about him, Jim.  I can't sleep knowing that he's suffering like this."

"It's just going to take time."

"It's been a month!" She cried out.  She stirred the chili so violently that it splattered all over the wall.  Anger boiled in her veins, causing her to shriek with anger & toss her hands up.  The ladle cascaded to the floor, bouncing heavily on the tile. Immediately, she regretted her outburst & turned to grab a towel to wipe up the mess.

Jim stopped her, though, wrapping an arm around her.  His brows furrowed as she wept within his hold.  He walked her over to the couch in the living room, sitting her down.

"Just relax, okay?" Jim told her softly, swiping the silver hair from her face.  He pressed his lips against her's.  "I'll finish dinner."

She nodded as she wiped the tears from her face.  She was about to cry more when Jim disappeared back into the kitchen until her eye caught that stick thin silhouette.

"Layne?" she called out to him, clearing her throat.  She tried her best to hide the concern that burned within her chest when he turned to her.  He was nothing but bone anymore.  His hair was a shaggy mess of blond still mixed with the pink dyed strands.  Those dim eyes of his were filled with the epitome of hopelessness & despair.

He lit a cigarette & took a seat on the recliner next to the couch.  "Hey, mom," he muttered.  His voice was thin & soft.  He sounded weak & emotionally destroyed.

"I'm surprised you're out of your room," she commented.  She sat up a bit, trying her best not to analyze him too much.  It hurt to see him in the shape he was currently in.

He raised his brows at her, leaning back a bit as he took another drag from his smoke. "I heard some commotion out here..."  His eyes dropped on his mom, his heart throbbing when he took in her expression.  His eyebrows furrowed, worry twisting his skull-like face.  "I wanted to make sure you were okay."

Nancy smiled at that.  Even at his worst, Layne was still a sweetheart.  "I'm okay, sweetie."

He bit his lip.  "You look really tired..."

She gripped Layne's bony hand.  "I'm fine.  Just having a rough day."

The both of them turned to the opening of the kitchen when they heard Jim step out.  Jim smirked, eyeing Layne.  "I was just about to pull your SCRAWNY ass out here," he teased.

Layne smirked.  "Oh yeah?"

"Yep.  Tired of you acting like a freaking hermit," he eyed Nancy, his smile dropping. She kept glaring over at Layne, eyes wide, pointing out how horrible he looked. Jim's brows raised, turning back to Layne. "Dinner's ready."

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