Chapter 9

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       Chace and Peter dragged me into some kind of bar, still spitting and shouting. "Rose!" I glared up at Peter. 

        "Let me go!" I screamed in his face. "I need to go kick his ass!"

        Vince, Peter, and Chace took one look at me, then started cracking up. I huffed and turned away, walking to the bar in the back of the room. 

       The bartender came over to me. "What'll it be?" I just stared at him. He sighed. "Fine. One shot. For free." He held out some dark amber stuff to me. I stared at that, too. "Take it, already!" He plopped the shot glass down. I picked it up gingerly, staring at the liquid as it bubbled and fizzed. What is this?

       "That's rum." Peter tapped the counter. "I wouldn't drink that if I were you." I gave him a defiant leer and swallowed it in one gulp. My eyes started watering and I choked. VInce and Chace came up laughing about something, but when they saw me choking, their laughter changed. Now, they were all laughing at me. I finally got myself under control, I felt an intense warmth spread throughout me. Ah, so this is why people drink alcohol. 

    I tapped the counter. "More, please." Peter's eyes bulged. The bartender came back, washing a cup, and set it down, pouring more in. I gave him a coin and settled down in a seat. Now that I knew what it does, I could handle it. Maybe.

    I took a sip and shuddered, but instantly felt that warmth again. I eagerly went to tip the whole thing back, but Peter grabbed my hand. "Rose. What. Are. You. Doing?" I looked at the rum, then his hand on my wrist. I jerked my wrist, spraying the amber liquid in his face. He let me go, wiping the rum off his face with a glare.

   I danced away from him and he snarled. Chance and Vincent watched with bland amusement. I ran out of the bar and right back into Garrett. "Oh, ho. Looks like the fag still wants to play." 

   I put my fists up and punched him in the nose. "Aw, you fucking faggot! You made my nose bleed!" I smiled in triumph. 

   "That's what you get for calling me a faggot." He punched me in th gut and kneed my face as I bent. 

   "What did you just do?" I looked up to see Chace holding Garrett in a headlock. He gave one last hard squeeze before letting go and saying, "I told you to get, Garrett! Listen this time!" 

   My stomach felt like fire and my nose was probably broken. Chace made me stand all the way up. "Rose, are you alright?" I shook my head. He cursed. I couldn't help but notice his blue highlights lit up in the sun. "Done staring at me yet?" I jerked and glanced to his eyes. They were sparkling with laughter and I scowled. 

   "Shut up and help me." He grabbed my arm and dragged me back to Peter. His eyes widened, then narrowed. "Who?"

   I winced. Chance growled. "Garrett." Peter glared at nothing in particular. Vince came up and smirked. "Nice job, Ryan! You're going to have hell of a bruise!" I scowled at him. 

   "Thanks, Vince." I slapped him, then clutched my stomach. "Means a lot to me." Chace chuckled. 

   Chace led me away from them. "Don't worry, Rose." He brushed back some of my hair as I straightened. "Besides, you hit him harder than he hit you. Your nose isn't broken; just bruised." I sighed in relief.

   "Thank God." I rubbed mt stomach. The pain was going away a little, but it was still there. 

   Chace looked at me with a level of worry and led me back to Peter. "I want to go home," I moaned. 

   Vince chuckled. "C'mon, Princess. I'll take you home." Chace paled a bit. 

   "Princess?" Peter, Vince, and I shared a look. Then laughed together. I think mine was a bit forced. But I think all our laughs were forced. 

   "Just a nickname." Vince slapped him on the back. I didn't like to having to lie to him, but what could I do? Tell him? It's bad enough Vince knows. 

   Vince took my arm. "Yes, Princess, let's go get you something to eat. Chace and Peter here can do some bro-bonding."

   I laughed for real this time. VInce is just so happy-go-lucky. He's just awesome. Like my brother or something. I felt a bit loopy from the drink I had, but nothing too severe. At least, that's what I hoped.


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