::CHAPTER #4::

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💋Jacob's POV💋

"Kindaal!" I yelled through the house as I walked in. I didn't get an immediate respond so I guess she was out still.

I walked upstairs towards my room stripping out of my clothes. I grabbed my phone along with my towel and walked into the bathroom running a nice hot shower. I went through my playlist pressing shuffle letting the music play randomly.

Justin Timberlake Ft. Beyonce Until The End Of Time consumed the whole bathroom. I scrubbed my body with Dial's men body wash making sure I got all the dirt off. Next I got out wrapping a towel around my waist, walking out to my room.

I grabbed a pair of clean boxers and black sweat pants pulling them on. I then combed my fingers through my hair doing the best I could to untangle some of the knots. Afterwards I went back down stairs to make dinner. I decided to make pasta with my famous buttery bread sticks with a little bit of red wine on the side.

I heard the door being open and heels hitting the floor lightly.

"Kindaal." I called out.

"Hu?" She replied softly walking into the kitchen.

"I'm making dinner for us." I said smiling at her.

"What is it?" She asked peering into the pan.

"Pasta with buttery bread sticks and red wine. Wanna taste it?" I asked raising a eyebrow suggestively.

"Um..yeah." She said unsure.

I twirled the pasta onto a clean fork putting it into her mouth.

"How does it taste?" I asked her.

"It taste......awesome. I can't wait till dinner now." She said with a huge grin.

"I can't wait till dessert." I murmured against her sweet lips.

"What's for dessert? cake." She whispered just as low, I smiled against her lips.

"No were near princess. I want your sweet thick creamy coating sliding down my throat." I whispered seductively in her ear, licking the outer shell of her ear.

💋Kindaal's POV💋

"Jacob." I moaned lowly.

Oh god, this mans a freak. But I'm not going to stand here and lie to y'all like I don't like it, because in all honesty...I do. It's just when he acts like this I don't know what to do. I mean I don't want to try and act sexy, than make a fool of myself. He'd probably laugh at me.

"Damn baby, now I can't wait for dessert." He seductively whispered to me.

Out of no where I aggressively grabbed his face, smashing my lips to his. I forced my tongue in his mouth, gaining a sexy groan from his lips. He grabbed my hips pressing my lower half to his, while I held my hands on his sculpted firm biceps. He turned his head to the side so he could get his tongue in my mouth better. I sucked lightly on it, grabbing a fist full of his shirt in my hands while he grabbed my left leg propping it up on his hip. I started to grind myself against him earning that sexy growl.

"Shit! Where did all this confidence come from baby. What happen to that shy innocent girl?" He asked me huskily.

"I don't know papi. But all that sexy stuff you do to me turns me into that bad confident bitch." I whispered the last part, pushing him off me.

I licked my lips hungrily eyeing the man in front of me. Mmm god he turns me on, but I will never give him the satisfaction of hearing that come from my lips.

I sashayed my way out out of the kitchen upstairs to my room, changing out of my clothes into my pajamas.

**A/N; The link for the outfit should be in the comment box.**

I pulled my hair up into a messy bun, whipping away my make-up pulling my nerdy glasses on. I walked over to my laptop turning it on, waiting patiently for it to load up. After it was done I went through my email seeing I had one from my mom.

She wanted me to come see her, all the way in Florida. I didn't mind, it was just she'd probably be expecting me to be bringing my boyfriend/ or husband. So I decided to call her.

I walked out to my balcony, dialing her number. The breeze out here felt really good and relaxing. Even the way that the wind blew across my exposed skin on my legs.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey mommy." I said smiling over the phone.

"Hey honey, did you get my email? I wanted to see you...maybe bring your boyfriend with you to." She said cheerily.

"Oh yeah sure, he'd love to meet you." I said trying to cover how weary I was feeling.

"That's great! So how's everything going with you love birds?" She asked excitedly.

"Everything's fine actually. He's um..downstairs making dinner for us." I replied.

I really hated myself right now. Why? Because I was lying to her. I don't have a boyfriend nor husband. But than she'd go thinking that I was lesbian. She did it to me in High School, because I didn't have a boyfriend then. Only because I rejected the snobby dick heads, they only wanted to get in my pants.

And all the guys at my school where straight up conceited jack asses, who had their heads to far up their own asses to give a fuck about a females feelings. Even if there was one decent guy it would be ruined by the cock sucking hoe Brittany. She used her good looks to her advantage.

"Ooo he can cook to. He's a keeper." She said said probably grinning.

"Kindaal!" I heard Jacob yell.

"Well I love you mom, but Jacob just called me." I told her.

"Love you to baby, bye." She said hanging up the phone.

I closed my balcony doors, walking down stairs to the kitchen. Jacob handed me my plate along with a glass of red wine. Which was weird because it tasted like cranberry juice.

"Um Jacob...could you do a huge favor for me?" I asked setting my plate to the side.

"Sure baby girl, what is it?" He asked taking a sip of his wine.

"Could you...maybe...pretend...to um...be my...boyfriend. Justformymombecauseshethinkswheregoingout." I said rushing the last part out.

He sat there smirking at me. I looked away blushing.

"Baby there's no need to pretend when I already want you. Just know that the time "we" spend together, I'm going to make you relies how much you want me." He answered, softly kissing the end of my mouth. "So get use to that."

"O-ok. Just be ready by Saturday." I said finishing my food.

"Ok babe. How long are we staying?" He asked me.

"Maybe a week. I-I'm not sure, so pack extra." I said drinking the rest of my wine.

"Could you stop calling me babe or baby girl. Where not around my mother." I said softly.

"I'm not making any promises." He said winking at me, walking out of the living room upstairs to his room. Probably.


Adventure time for Kindaal & Jacob!😜😚



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