::CHAPTER #16::

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💋Kindaal's POV💋

I woke up feeling so grate. The small arrow of sunshine slipping between the curtains as, I stretched my arms. Looking to my side, I saw Jacob was still sleeping. His strong arms, curling around my hip bones snuggling into me.

I laid back down, observing him. He was so adorable when he slept. He had long pretty eyelashes, light caramel skin, with wild jet black curls, and a adorable grin. I softly cherished his skin, moving from his cheek bone down to his neck.

I planted a small sweet kiss onto his lips waking him up. His eyes fluttered open, and he grinned when he saw me.

"Morning handsome." I said smiling, kissing his lips agin.

"Morning baby girl." He said.

"Did you sleep good last night?" I asked grinning from ear to ear.

"Yeah, did you sleep good last night? I mean I think I wore you out." He said with a boyish grin.

"Yeah I slept wonderfully." I said sarcastically.

I slipped the covers off my body, going to my drawers and grabbing a pair of sweat pants and a tank top. I combed my fingers through my hair, trying to get the tangles out.

"So, do you want anything for breakfast?" I asked leaning against the dresser.

"Yeah, you." He commented licking his lips seductively.

"Well to bad for you because, I'm not on the menu today." I said winking.

"I wish you were." He grumbled playfully.

I walked out the room, giggling to myself. Jacob stayed upstairs to wash up. As I walked into the kitchen I saw my mom looking through catalogs.

"Morning mommy!" I cheered happily, raising my arms into the air.

"Morning sweetheart. What has you so happy this morning?" She asked sarcastically.

I blushed thinking about last night. We didn't have sex but, the way he moved his tongue and his fingers...oh baby. My lower half clenched just thinking about it.

"Umm, n-nothing." I said nervously my cheeks reddening more.

I went through the cabinets and, grabbed the materials I needed to cook with. I grabbed a clean pan and, the pancake mix along with the milk, eggs, bacon, sausage, and biscuits.

I mixed the pancake batter and waited patiently for it to be ready. While I waited I talked more to my mom.

"Sooo, I heard you and Jacob last night." She said grinning, making me choke on air.

"Wh-what?" I said dumbfounded that she said that, and embarrassed that she heard us.

"Yeah, sounded like he was really putting it down on you." She said sipping her coffee.

"Y-You heard us last night?" I asked.

"Oh papi,yes! Right there baby! Move faster!" She moaned, doing an impression of me.

I faced palmed myself. Oh my god! That is so embarrassing.

"Ok ok I get it, just please stop it!" I yelled my face turning into a fire truck.

"I'm sorry baby, but it's fun teasing my little girl." she said chuckling.

I turned back around towards the pancake mix and started making breakfast.


"Mm,smells good baby." Jacob whispered holding me by my waist.

"Well good, because I have some for you to." I said flipping the last pancake and taking the biscuits out the oven.

"Ooo do I get some to?" Asked mommy.

"Yep." I said cheesing.

I grabbed 3 plates, placing pancakes, eggs, bacon, and a biscuit on it with either orange juice, apple juice, or water.

"Mm thank you baby girl." Jacob said kissing my cheek, and grabbing his plate.

"Your welcome papi. Here you go mommy." I said handing my mom her plate.

"Thank you honey." She said kissing my cheek, taking her plate and drink with her up to her room.

"Soo...what should we do after this?" I asked plopping down next to Jacob on the couch.

"We can go to the beach or a water park." He said grinning at me.

"You just want to see me in a bathing suit." I said looking at him amused, while he shoved the food down his throat.

"Mhm." He hummed as he scarfed more food down his throat.

"Baby stop before you choke on the food. It's not going anywhere." I said putting my hand on his arm, stopping him from shoving more food in his mouth.

"Ugh! but it's so good." He said trying to shove more food in his mouth.

I was already done eating, I was just waiting for him. But I wasn't about to let him die on food, because he was starving. I grabbed the plate from his hands and sat it on the table.

"But I taste better." I said innocently, drawing small shapes on his body.

"Mm, you do taste better." He said placing his hand on my hip, kissing my neck.

"Mm I know. Know let me go get dressed so we can go to the beach." I said getting up.

"Let me come with you." He said getting up.

"Na, than that'd ruin the fun." I said winking.

"What fun!" He asked with raised eyebrows. "It better not be one of this skimpy swimsuits, that show yo whole ass, and your breast!" He yelled.

"It might be something like that." I said walking up the stairs slowly.

He raised his eyebrows at me getting up quick from the couch, zooming over to the stairs. I dashed up the stairs to my room, slamming the door while I laughed my ass off.

"That shit ain't funny kindaal!" He yelled.

"Love you to baby." I said still giggling.


Lmao Kindaal's mom though..she something else. Jacob fat self.

Jacob: Hey! I was hungry.

Me: 😏 Yeah ok Jacob...you was hungry for that DICK!

Jacob: Hold the fuck up nigga! I don't even roll that way!😾👉

Me:Whatever.😏 Bye guys.😁

8 Votes & 9 Comments please.


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