Chapter Two

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Chapter Two;

BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ! My cell flashed and I rolled over to check the caller id " mom?" I grimaced sitting up and wiping sleep from my  eyes. " Hey kid did I wake you up?" mom shouted and people laughed loudly in the background. " Mom its 3am you've done it again" I sighed pulling the blankets off me and walking downstairs, a note was stuck to refrigerator force called needed to go in and sort out some paper work be back by breakfast dad, I sighed and focused back on the phone " so how's school hon" she said " we've broke up now mom but you'd know that if you CALLED" I sighed sipping the juice I just poured. " Now isabella sweetheart you know I'm busy at the shop, flowers don't just sell themselves" she said sounding annoyed here we go again! "Yeah mom I understand i--" "look babe I've gotta go big emergency ill call tomorrow I love you" and then she went. I slapped the phone onto the table and sat in the chair next too it, this sucked! Ever since mom moved too paris a year ago this is how I've been living , ALONE! I mean you can't really blame her for doing what she loved but PARIS! Fricking paris give me a break?! Its not like I couldn't have gone with her but what self respected 17 year wants to go live in a foreign country with their crazy mother and her exotic boyfriend, I swear the guy is nearer my age than hers! I watched the rain drip down the windows, got up and went back to bed wrapping the soft duvet around my hand like a headband when would I get a break?.

Well here's issys pov! Still not a good chapter but I will defintly get into the story in the next chapter I just wanted issys personality too shine through in this character & I guess it kinda did , I want her character too be a strong one! So vomment & ill upload soon :D
Elle xo

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