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I woke up on another ordinary Friday morning to the sound of Before You Exit blaring on my phone, telling me to get up. I reluctantly obeyed my alarm and got ready for school.

Once I arrived at school I walked into the gym to greet my friends.

"Happy Friday guys!" I said with a yawn still trying to wake up.

"Hey Kerry!" my friends replied, a little more enthusiastic than me.

After about 10 minutes of talking about the PLL Summer Finale, the bell rang to go to first period. School is a pure drag for me, but I was glad it was a Friday. Luckily there wasn't much homework for us, which I was ecstatic about. When my school day finally ended, I was so relieved. I said goodbye to my friends and headed out of the school doors.

I went to the parking lot to meet my Dad in my future green Volvo. I love when my Dad picks me up on Fridays because we usually get ice cream or do something fun like that.

"Hey Dad!" I said stepping into the car.

"Hey Ker, how was school," He said happily.

"Not to bad, considering we don't have to much hw!"

"That's great!!! Shall we go celebrate with Ice Cream?"


We got our ice cream cones from Dairy Queen and then headed home.

I arrived home to greet my dog who was so excited I was home. I put my lunchbox on the kitchen counter and took my dog upstairs to my room with me, since I was exhausted. My room is like my own cave I can escape too. I tend to hide out there a lot, listening to music, watching tv, and where I enjoy doing my social networking without anyone spying over my shoulder or telling me to get off my phone.

I curled up on my couch with my dog and watched some TV until I slipped into a nap. I woke up to my sister's voice telling me it was dinner. So I got up, rubbed eyes and headed downstairs and joined my family at the dinner table. We talked about our day and our overall week. After dinner I cleared my plate and put it in the dishwasher. I was about to head back up to my room when my parents called me back to the table.

"Kerry, please come sit down. We would like to talk to you about something." My mom said in a serious tone.

'Uh-oh what did I do now' I gulped as I tried to think what I might of done.

"Yes?" I said nervously taking my seat.

"We have some news..." My Dad continues in the serious tone.

All three of my siblings were smiling at each other suspiciously as if they enjoyed watching me get in trouble.

"I don't know what I did wrong..." I began...

"What you did wrong was.." My dad went on

"That you....HAVEN'T SEEN YOUR FAVORITE BAND IN CONCERT!!!" My mom said pulling out concert tickets to Before You Exit.


"Take a look" my mom said handing me them

I read:

'Meet and Greet Before You Exit.'

I SCREAMED EVEN LOUDER. I ran out of my seat and gave my parents a huge hug and thanked them repeatedly. After I was done hyperventilating, I decided to take a shower and get ready for bed. I slipped into my comfy pjs and crawled into bed with the biggest smile on my face.

After I let my mind wander and think its happy thoughts, I closed my eyes and dreamed about my perfect day.

14 days. I can do this.

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