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I had my music blaring and was rocking out on my long board. I took a glance of my surroundings and saw Layla freakin out and jumping and pointing so I looked in that direction to see the Toby James McDonough getting his skateboard out from under the bus. As I saw this I lost focus and my long board slipped out from under me causing myself to wipeout.

"Oh my gosh! Are you ok!?" Toby said running over to me.

Oh. My. Freaking. This. Can't. Be. Happening.

I started laughing just like always when I hurt myself and was unable to stop.

"Is she okay?" He looked toward my best friend

"Yeah she always laughs when she cries and cries when she laughs."

"That was quite a wipeout you took there. C'mon we can go bandage that knee, we got band aids on the bus." He said holding out his hand to help me up.

I took it and followed him onto the bus.

"Ugh Toby...the bus party is after the show..." Riley said

"Riley I know, ummm.. What's your name?" Toby said realizing he never got my name

"Kerry" I said with a smile

"Well Riley Kerry was long-boarding and tool a nice wipeout, and I offered to give her a band aid."

"Oooh wow! Well welcome aboard the bye bus where the good times roll! You can have a seat on the couch"

"Hahaha thanks!" I replied shyly

"Here you go" Toby said putting the band aid on my scrapped up knee

"Hahaha I love it!" I said looking at the batman symbol

"Im glad! So are you excited for the show tonight!?! Your here a little early..."

"Im so excited! And yeah we decided I get here before everyone else and play around long boarding, throwing the football and..."

"Did someone say football?" Connor said coming out from nowhere

"Connor! You're not even good!" Riley said

"Ouch that Hurt lil bro, well anyway can I play?"

"Sure! C'mon!" I said jumping up

We got out of the bus and my dad and Layla were very surprised.

"Layla and Dad this is Toby, Riley, and Connor. They wanted to play some football with us." I said introducing them

"Alright Let's go!" My dad slapping the ball

I ran back and was about to catch the ball when it went to far behind me but it was still caught... By Toby.

"Hahaha I gotcha!" He said running past me.

Just then Mama Joan came off the bus, "There you boys are! It's time for sound check!"

"But Mommmmm! We just started!" Toby whined

"Yeah and I think I'm actually getting better!" Connor pepped in

"Fine five more minutes!"

"Thankkkk youuuu!" All the boys said in unison

They started the game back up but I decided to just watch because my knee was still hurting. Toby noticed and came over my way.

"Why aren't you playing?" He said taking a seat next to me

"I'm giving my knee some rest so I will be able to rock out when the concert starts" I replied

"Good thinking, so you coming to the bus party afterwards?"

"Most definitely!"

"Great! I will save you a seat, so you don't have to sit on the ground." He said with a smile

"Aw thanks!"

"Hey you had some nice moves on your long board before you wiped out, maybe we can get together and hang out sometime?" He replies rather shyly

"That'd be so much fun!" I said excitedly

"Here why don't we exchange numbers?" He said handing me his phone.

I took his phone and gave him mine.

"Alright Thanks! I have to go to soundcheck, but see you later!"

"Ok, bye!"

After he and his bros went in, Layla came running over to me, "DID THAT REALLY JUST HAPPEN!?!?"

"Ummm yeah!!!!" I said realizing what just happened

After about 30 minutes or so we headed over to the venue, waiting until the doors opened.

Meant To Be (Toby McDonough FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now