Chapter Ten: Sunday

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"Adelias! Move it or lose it! I have to go get Penny!!!!" He scrambled down the stairs in a flannel plaid shirt and jeans. He looked normal for once. I nodded towards the door and we calmly walked to my car. He screamed "shotgun" and hopped in.

The entire ride there, he blasted Sara Bareilles. I loved her music and it was just better for me. My phone interrupted us every five minutes. Aaron called every five minutes of every hour. I was going insane. I had to leave the ringer on in case there was an emergency. I swear I will kill him.

I pulled up outside Penny's home and honked twice. Her mother smiled at us and then retreated into the little blue house. Penny rushed over and climbed in.

"Hey guys." Her voice was small.

I turned around and asked what was wrong. She shook her head and mouthed "later." Maybe she realized she loved him. The two lovebirds chatted and I was the third wheel. Kylie was at her grandparents house and no one else came in the blink of an eye without needing a ride.

I arrived safely and grabbed a few bags of items to return in Hollister.

"Adelias, meet us here in two hours. Or at the food court. We can grab lunch. On you." I demanded. He looked to Penny for approval and she nodded. She had a grey hoodie, black skirt, and grey leggings on.

We rushed to a wig store. Penny swayed to the music and darted around. I asked an attendant for help and she knew the perfect thing. It was a natural looking red wig. It was Lindsay Lohan in her child years. Penny could style it and sleep with it. When she tried it on, she radiated confidence and not sickness.


"I know. I love it."

"I'm pretty again."

"You never stopped." I smiled sweetly and took it to pay.

The woman asked Penny if she had cancer. Penny's voice caught in her throat. She choked up and years threatened to implore.

"You cannot ask someone that." I replied curtly.

"Well, I want to give it to her for free if she does. I didn't mean any harm." Penny smiled in gratitude and the woman helped situate the wig on her.


I hugged her thin arms to be and thought of how wonderful it would be to have a new friend.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"I'm getting new bruises."

To any person, that was alright. To a patient, it could be a relapse.

"I'm positive you can fight it. I love you like a sister. Tell Adelias before someone else does." I stated.

She nodded, her red hair bobbing. It looked natural.

"Uh let's go return this." In Hollister, I returned my items and chose a skirt for Penny. It was light blue with sparkles. She had grey leggings with tribal patterns. I walked over to purchase it, only to be met with sea green eyes.



"Stop calling me!" I hissed.

"I'm really sorry Ror. Really. I'm just having a tough time." He was genuinely hurt. I nodded and placed my items to be returned. He grinned from ear to ear. I received my money and then I used it to pay for Penny. She was worth every penny. Get it? I shared my joke with Aaron and he chuckled. He walked around to hug me when I realized he wasn't dressed.

"Put some clothes on!" I whisper yelled.

"Why? Uncomfortable?"

"No. I'm just." I hugged him as to make my claim.

"Marking your territory?"

"Uh Ror?" Penny tapped me.

"I'm so sorry Pen! Uh let's go!"

"Wait! Ror! I'm off at 3, food court?" I nodded and waltzed away.

"Do you like him?" Penny asked.

I flicked my black hair over my shoulder and breathed through a no. Soon, Penny had plenty of clothes her mother had given her money for. She even bought a pair of shoes and hair straightener at Target. Around 3, we met Adelias. I left Penny to him and wandered around, looking for Aaron.

"See something you like?" He said as I stared into black space.

"Uh what?"

"Never mind. Lets go get food!" He bought a smoothie and pretzel for us to "share." I reminded him it was no date, but he insisted. We chatted about Penny for a while before resuming our game.

"Pets?" He started.

"2 dogs."


"A fish."

"Ooh exciting! Rebel right here!"

"Worst thing you ever did?" He asked.

"Set a church on fire."


"It was an accident. Just lung damages."

"Uh alright...." I tensed.

"Favorite band?"

"Can't pick. Why did you do that?"

"15 and against the world." I laughed because it was true.

"Would you do it again? regrets?"

"No. A little girl has lung cancer now." He wiped tears away. I reached for his hand but he withdrew.

"Don't toy with my emotions." He snapped.

"I wanted to comfort you."

He sighed, realizing I was right. "I shouldn't bring it up."

"No it was honest. Want to know mine?"

"In geometry, I bought the book of tests and cheated all year."

"Aren't you so bad?" He laughed. With Aaron, life was just us.

"You know, I hold onto glimpses of you when you live. The way your eyes shine and how natural you look. Your little stud earrings and the way you dress nice." He began. "The way your nose crinkles when you don't like something. I remember it all."

I sat silently. "I think about you too." it slipped faster than anything.


"Like how angry you make me." I corrected my mistake.

"You know you love me."

"You wish."

"Favorite book?"

"I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings. You?"

"The Encyclopedia. No wait. The Atlas."

"Because he holds it?" He nodded.

"Favorite place?"

"Paris. You?"

"Same. I've been. You?"

"No, sadly." He said.

"Aurora!" Penny and Adelias greeted us and said it was time to go. I collected my items and hugged Aaron. He smirked, knowing our secret. I rushed away.

Before I knew it, I laid on my bed, sighing.

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