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Video: SMUT WARNING IN THE VID. I made it and srsly I need jesus.
"Daniel get up! We have things to do today while Jamie and dil are at school!" Phil yells from the lounge, already dressed with hair straightened while Dan is still sleeping.

"Babe, help me" Dan whined. Phil hated when he did this yet he found it adorable. He rolled his eyes and walked into their bedroom and ripping the covers off of Dan and pulling him out of the bed into his arms. Dan looked down a bit and smiled at phil. "There, I got you up now you can get your butt in the shower and get dressed so we can leave." Phil spoke softly to Dan before letting him go and going to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the love of his life.

After they had breakfast they went shopping around for the house, but the main reason was to get Jamie her own laptop so she doesn't have to use theirs and accidentally see things that she can't unsee. "Phil! Phil! Phil! Phil! Can we please buy this? Please please please!?" Dan squealed tugging on Phils arm like a four year old while pointing to a fennekin Pokémon hat. "Dan we don't need that." Phil rolled his eyes but smiled because Dan was being adorable as fuck.

Dan whined loudly on purpose just to create a scene and have Phil buy it. Phil knew he did this, yet it always worked. "Phillllllllyyyy"
Phil groaned and nodded, "fine Daniel get the stupid hat." This made dans eyes light up. "Thank you baby! I promise to repay you when we get home." Dan winked and walked away leaving Phil there flustered with a old lady standing beside him with wide eyes. He quickly put his head down and walked to find Dan so he could personally kill him for saying that in front of a poor old lady.

After looking in about 4 different stores and buying random shit that they didn't need, they finally found the Mac books. "Okay so let's get her one of these, a camera to film, a tripod, and accessories." Dan rambled while throwing the such items in the cart. "Ooh! And some stickers!" Phil exclaimed. Dan stopped the cart and turned to Phil, "your need to cover Mac products with things is very disturbing Phil."

"You are no fun." Phil mumbled, crossing his arms and walking with Dan to the check out to buy Jamie her things.

Danisnotonfire: hey Jamie can you take dil to the indoor park after school?

Jamiez: why? Ughhhhh

Amazingphil: because we are your parents and we said so

Jamie: fine, how long do we have to be there?

Amazingphil: your dad with pick you up an hour after schools out from the park and take you guys to pick up dinner.

Jamiez: oh great

Amazingphil: it's very great now get good grades or we take your phone away.📱🙅🏻

Jamiez: not fair but okay bye

Amazingphil: I love you

Danisnotonfire: LOVE YOU HUNNY❤️❤️

Jamiez: love you guys too.

Short chapter I know but that's because I'm getting the plot ready for what's to come :)

QOTD: Cheese or cereal?
(Phil related question)
AOTD: cereal

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