Chapter Four

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She sat there on the floor crying, hoping the pain would go away, but it didn't seem to stop. Her chest felt like it was going to explode, her stomach felt like it was being twisted and pulled and folded over inside. Her arms and legs felt like they were breaking, yet out of no where her arm and legs bent and broke in a uncomfortable way, and feeling as though they were shattering. The pain had finally become so much that she gave up fighting it, and let the world fade into darkness.


All she saw was the blue sky all around her when she opened her eyes. She didn't feel anymore pain, so sat up and looked all her around her not seeing any thing other than tall grass and trees. It looked as though she was in the middle of a meadow. She slowly stood to her feet, and realized her body was naked. Her mind was swarming with questions, but they were questions that she didn't have the answers to, yet.

'Don't worry everything is going to be fine, although as hot as our body is you might want to put some clothes on before any one sees us.'  said a bubbly voice inside her head.

'Whoa!! Okay now I'm hearing voices I have officially gone insane!' She thought. Then all of a sudden the memories from last night started coming back, the pain, the hospital, Derek and Adam, the car accident, the blood, Derek and Adam as Lions , and then pain and Darkness.

' Breathe Jay, just breathe, okay? You're okay and you're not hearing voices. You're hearing me, and I'm your inner Lioness, or as I joking like to say your inner BEAST-BABE! ' says a calm voice that then turns into cute giggles.  ' I would tell you my name, but you never knew about me, so you never named me.'

' I never knew about you, but what do you mean by that? I am talking to a voice in my head! What do you mean by inner Lioness?'  she asked trying to calm down, the thought of being naked in the woods completely forgotten at the moment.

' I have been a part of you since the day you were born, but our parents and Grams decided it would be safer if you didn't know who I was, so that the hunters couldn't find us. They thought the same thing when Adam was born, but with him being older and a Beta male, he started communicating with his lion long before he first shifted. That was why he left us to go to that camp with Derek. Derek left, but he knew about his inner lion since the day he was born, he is our Alpha, and with our brother as his beta, but they always protected us. Aleo, Adam's lion, has often spoken to me without Adam knowing. We both hoped that one day you and I could get to know one another. I just hope you wont reject me because I am a part of you as much as you are a part of me Jasey.'  the inner voice sounded sincere and slightly sad in her mind.

She thought over the events last night of how all Derek and Adam were trying to do was protect her. How Adam had always been over-protective, how Derek was always bossy with her and would tease her but in a weird way that most of the time left her smiling. She remembered in high school feeling as though a part of her was always missing, she had always assumed it was from her brother and Derek disappearing and not caring for her. Yet when they showed back up most of that longing and loneliness went away, but not all and she could never figure out why. If what the sweet, and sincere voice in her head was saying was true, and she wasn't crazy, then it would all make perfect sense.

' Eveline or Lyonesse?'  she asked making up her mind that she wasn't crazy, and that she had found part of herself that was missing.

' What?'    the voice asked confused.

'Which name do you like? Because I want you to have some say, but in case you don't like them we can think of something else?'

'Names for me?! Oh I love them both can I have both of them? They're both so pretty and meaningful! I love them!!!  But can we do like Evie or something for short 'cause that's a mouthful to say.'   Evie asked sounding super happy and excited.

" I think I can make that work"she said out loud and giggling a little bit. 'Yep we are going to get along great' she thought to herself.

' Well of course we are silly we are practically the same person or in my case lion. Now I'm so excited I cant wait to tell Aleo! Evie said happily. At the thought of her brothers lion, Jay's reality of where she was came back to her. The fact that she was standing naked in the middle of nowhere in a meadow, and didn't know how she had gotten there or why she was naked. She could feel the panic start to well up inside of her.

' Oops that would be my fault on the meadow and naked part. You see when you shift into me or, my form of the lioness specifically, I mostly have control of where we go or what we do. You are still there with me and able to see through my eyes just as I see through yours. But last night the pain and everything was too much for you so you passed out while shifting into me subconsciously which I couldn't stop so I had to shift fully. As far as the naked part is concerned when we shift the clothes we have on completely shred to pieces so aka don't wear our favorite outfits if we plan on shifting.' Evie explains slowly calming her down from panicking.

"So if I shift into you again, can you get us back home?" Jasey asked Evie out loud making sure that it wasn't all just in her head and a little worried that shifting would hurt like hell again.

' It wont hurt anymore I promise unless we are badly injured, but with all the training we are gonna be doing with Adam, so I doubt that we would ever be.'  she says to Jasey confidently about their lion/human strength.

' Okay so how do I shift? Do I just let you take over or  do I have to do it?'  she asked realizing she didn't know the first thing about shifting.

' Just will the change and it will happen'  Evie told her giggling in her mind.

"Just will it to happen, okay sounds easy." She relaxed herself and just thought of the word shift and of Evie and what she said about looking through each others eyes.

Next thing she knew was that her body started to fold and white golden fur sprang up on her arms, legs and her chest. She didn't feel any pain, but just marveled at what was happening. Suddenly she stood on four powerful fur legs and had her tail swinging back and forth. She looked around her after she had finished being fascinated with her own beautiful tail, she realized that her view on the meadow was slightly different she could see the colors brighter and her senses where much stronger. The smell of the flowers in the meadow were so beautiful, and she had never seen nor smelled anything like it and she could hear the birds off in the distance as if the were right next to her.

She heard someone giggling at her and she could feel herself purring, actually purring!

'I told you we are awesome, now lets go home!' Evie said purring and the growled at the last part ready to run.

Jasey could feeling the muscles in their back legs tightening getting ready to run she was awed by how she felt everything and saw everything the way Evie saw and felt.

' Yes Evie let's go home.'

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