Chapter 5

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* So this chapter is mostly written by a friend of mine because I was at a road block and he helped me get passed it, he has also become a fan of the story as well. There were a few things that I myself added to it or changed / removed. However all in all, this chapter is dedicated to him because it was his idea. So much love! And yes I know its a short chapter! Sorry but its an update!!

' THANK YOU MR. RANGER!!!!' Evie yells.

The Night before:

As the sun had dipped below the horizon and darkness descended upon them, Adam and Derek were following Jasey's scent. The sky started opening up, slowly letting rainfall down onto the town. Their heightened sense of smell was skewed by the moisture covering up the scent that Jasey had left as she ran away. As the rain started to fall harder and harder Adam stopped in his tracks. He knew that he had to find his sister. He felt terrible for letting her see him kill those men earlier in the evening. He was desperate to find his sister but knew that they would get nowhere with the rain.

"We can't continue in this weather. We lost her trail when it started to rain. And we need to go check on the rest of the pride" Adam said to Derek.

Derek ignored Adam as he kept on walking. Adam had always been the voice of reason between them and Derek usually followed his directions, but today he was dead set on finding Jasey. Adam grabbed his shoulder and tried to turn him around. He jerked his shoulder away from Adams's hand as he kept walking. Derek had realized where Jasey was going. He recognized the area as a place where one of their friends had lived, and if he remembered correctly they were only a few houses away from where she would have stopped. He walked along the sidewalk towards the house.

As they approached the house they noticed it seemed empty, like no one had been there for a few days. Adam walked around the back of the house while Derek walked to the front door. Derek tried the doorknob to no avail; it was locked. He walked around to the back of the house to meet up with Adam. As he rounded the corner he saw Adam standing there with his finger over his lips. Derek approached him as quietly as he could as Adam checked the doorknob. The door opened. As Derek and Adam entered the house, they started searching for Jasey. They had to be careful so as to not make too much noise or leave the house trashed leaving the owners to wonder what had happened. Derek was getting more worried as each minute passed. She was supposed to be his lioness, and he was supposed to keep her safe. As that thought crossed his mind he also thought about the pride. The men that had attacked them said that they were going to kill everyone in the pride because they were abominations. He pushed the thought out of his mind. He walked down a small hallway in the house and noticed that one of the doors was slightly cracked open. He turned to look at Adam, who was behind him, motioned for him to be quiet, and motioned to the door. As the two walked in they noticed that the desk chair was flipped over and across the room from where it should have been. Derek walked further into the room; his concern for Jasey was growing with each step. He looked on the other side of the bed and noticed the tattered remains of the clothes she had been wearing at the hospital. His heart sunk deep into his stomach as he stared at the torn shreds of clothes, and knew she could be anywhere. Knew she was more than likely scared out of her mind with the change she was going through. That she might even think herself a monster if she didn't control her primal instincts, and that she could possibly or potentially hurt someone or even herself. he worried that she might get captured by the paranormal hunters that were hunting them.

Adam walked over and wrapped one arm around his shoulders and lead him out of the house. The two of them walked about a block away to their house so they could change and dry off. Adam prayed his sister was making her way back to their house, hoping that she could now trust them to guide her through her change, though because she was the female alpha lioness they would have to travel back to the pride for her to learn how to correctly be that alpha female. Along with how to take care of the pride and young cubs.

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