Chapter 6

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Hey guys I am so sorry for not updating sooner, I've had a lot of medical issues lately please forgive me.

The Next afternoon:

Jay marveled at the feel of the grass and dirt under her paws and how soft and nice it felt slightly damp from the rain the night before. She could clearly see the dew drops on the flowers in the meadow and the birds in the trees and the rabbits hopping fast from one place to the other. 

At the sight of the rabbits, her stomach growled, or rather Evie's stomach did. Evie zoned in on the rabbits waiting for one to separate itself from the others and sure enough, one cute little fuzzy brown one did.

'Evie wait what are you doing?' she thought scared for the cute little creature.

' We are hungry; we didn't eat hardly anything yesterday, we need food or we won't be able to make it back home Jay. I know that the bunny is cute, but I need to hunt for us. and I don't eat greens, Jay. If you don't want to watch you can close your eyes.' Evie said like it was an obvious thing, but also with a hint of sadness in her tone that Jay picked up on. She also picked up on the slight hurt that Evie gave off from her own thoughts because she wanted to Bond with Jay so that they truly could become one. Evie wanted to show her it was to be her true self in the form of a Lion and to grow closer in their own way. 

'Okay, I will stay with you and learn, I will keep my eyes open.' Jay said to Evie and could immediately feel the happiness and joy spreading through the both of them like strings connecting them together, tying them together in a sense. 

Evie then focused on the little rabbit that had bounced away from the rest; she crouched down in a slight lounging position with her hind legs coiled ready to sprint off at the perfect opportunity to catch the wild creature. Her long tail slowly swished back and forth quietly balancing her stance while she worked her shoulders ready to pounce on her unsuspecting meal.

 Jay sat back quietly in their mind watching everything from Evie's perspective fascinated and slightly scared at the same time. She noticed both of their visions turn a slight "red" so to speak as Evie sprung into action for the Kill. She felt her body and mind move with ease, grace, speed, and strength just like she herself was the one doing the hunting and going for the kill and not Evie. 

Evie's front claws were the first to catch the fur of the animal and tear it while her big mouth with huge sharp teeth came down, her jaw opening wide to wrap its teeth around the animal's neck puncturing it and blood running over her tongue killing the Rabbit instantly. She rips its neck partly off its body trying to get at the meat under its skin, to satisfy this enlarging hunger inside her. 

Jay watched it happen and while a small part of her felt sad for the cut little rabbit, the rest of her strangely felt the need for food as well and she could feel and taste everything as well and noticed that after Evie had finished eating the Rabbit the overwhelming hunger that she had previously felt had been completely satisfied. She realized that she now felt stronger than she ever had in her life. As her mind began to wonder at the possibilities of her now new life, she felt a strange presence of something dark and dangerous coming closer to her.

'We need to go home we aren't safe out here in the open like this. I shouldn't have come so far out of town. Aleo warned me that there were bad men hunting us and that I needed to be careful and watch out for you. I shouldn't have been so careless.' Evie whispered to Jay feeling her fur stand up and feeling like she was about to be trapped, she slowly and quietly covered the dead rabbit with dirt and grass with one of her paws, not to leave any marks of them being there.  She then hunched down and carefully and slowly crawled closer to the tree line practically on her belly, keeping her low and unseen she even lowered her tail to the ground. She had just made it not even four feet from the tree line when she heard men shouting and gunshots going off. She then lunged and made a fast dash to the tree line and kept running in the direction of safety further and further into the trees. After running for a little while she sniffed the air and listened around her throughout the forest, she slowed herself down a little and continued moving in a kind of trot/jog type way, she turned left at one tree and started to make her way back home. 

'Evie who was that? Why were they shooting at us?! What did you mean earlier?' Jay could feel her mind reeling from the terrifying feeling she had that was lodged in her throat threatening to choke her. 

' I think those were the bad men that Aleo had warned me about, they are hunting our pride and others in the mountains like us, and around the world, they think our kind is evil and unnatural. They want to rid us of the world; that is why our parents kept me from you growing up so that no one would ever suspect us of being "supernatural" as the world labels us. In my opinion, we are just like normal humans except we have a special bond and gift that allows people insight into wildlife and love for nature and the beautiful creation that she is.' Evie's voice goes from slightly mad and scared, to humble and kind. She continued to trot the familiar path in her mind heading to their Gram's cabin that they had in the woods. As she was maybe a mile from the cabin she suddenly felt as though she had someone's eyes on her, she picked up her place a little bit, but the feeling didn't go away. 'Um, I have a bad feeling-' Jasey was interrupted but the zing of something sharp was heard. The next thing Evie knew she had nothing but firey exploding pain in her back right hind leg, she roared from the pain and could feel the blood quickly leaving the wound and running down her leg. She turned and ran as fast as she could while injured, making a bee-line for the cabin. As soon as she reached its front door, she willed Jasey to shift to their human form, getting inside quickly, locking the door, and heading straight to the landline on the nightstand in the hallway to call the only people they could think of, Derek and Adam.

Jasey could Feel the Searing pain in her leg and the blood dripping out of it onto the hardwood floor of the cabin, she listened to the ringing of the phone praying they would answer the phone. 

Derek answered the phone on the fourth ring sounding amazed and worried and hurt all at the same time saying how sorry he was and that he didn't mean to scare her and started to say something else but she didn't have time she started to talk over him. " Derek shut up and listen to me! I'm in trouble someone shot Evie while she and I were headed back home. We are bleeding badly and I need you guys to come and get me they were trying to kill us. Where are you guys? Please?!" She sounded scared and desperate even to her own ears but she didn't care. she grabbed the decorative handkerchief off the nightstand and applied pressure to her leg to try and stop the bleeding.

"What?! Are you okay? Are they still there? Did you lose them? How bad is your injury? We will be there soon; Adam thought you might have gone there when you took off, so we are already on our way. Just hang on baby I will be there soon I promise to take care of you, and I am so sorry to have already failed to due so." Derek at first sounded so angry and scary, then switched within a second to worried, sure, and loving all at the same time. She didn't know how to answer his question and told him as much she, then heard the sound of a vehicle driving down the gravel road towards the cabin. The call with Derek was then disconnected. Her first thought was that these guys that shot her and Evie had disconnected the line and were trying to scare her and it proved to be working. She sat down by the nightstand no longer able to hold up her weight, she brought her legs close to her chest with the handkerchief still wrapped around the bleeding bullet wound. She heard feet running on the gravel as the car jerked and skidded to a stop in front, she could feel her heart beating rapidly thinking about the absolute worst of what was happening to her. She closed her eyes tightly and put her head down on her knees with her hair falling all around her. 

The next thing she heard was the door slamming open.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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