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Y/n p.o.v
I was walking to Henry's moms house aka Regina when I got there I knocked on the door and Regina answered the door " Oh hey y/n " she said "Hey is Henry here " I asked her " Yes he's upstairs " she said I said thank you and she let me in I went to his room I knocked on he's door he didn't answer I was kinda confused Regina said he was upstairs I opened the door and Henry was asleep I laughed a little and grabbed a water gun that he had and put water in it when I was done I went to his room and sprayed him with water " What the hell" he said I just laughed "what was that for" he said " Oh nothing just wanted to have some fun" I said still laughing he got out of bed and walked up to me and he got the water gun he started spraying me "Henry stop" I said he just sprayed me he was laughing when he finished the water he was still laughing I went up to him and started punching him we were good friends we teased each other a lot "okey okey stop " he said I stopped and I went to go get a towel from the bathroom when I came back I threw him a towel when we were dry we went to go eat sense we made a mess and Regina was gonna scream at us ruby took our orders and then she spoke "Are you guys going out " she asked us "No were just friends" I said I was kinda blushing because I had a tiny crush on him and by tiny I mean I really liked him when our orders came me and Henry started talking "So why do they think we're going out " I asked him " I don't know" he said when we were done eating we were walking to the park and I saw a boy he liked me but I didn't like him back "Maybe we should leave " I told Henry heading the other way "Why" he asked me "Let's just leave please " he nodded we were walking and then I heard someone call my name and it was David the bout that liked me great I said "Y/n can I ask you something" he said "Umm sure " I said Henry was next to me and he was confused "Do you want to go on a date with me " he said okey this was awkward he was kinda cute but I didn't like him but I knew he wouldn't give up so I had to "umm sure when" I said "At granny's tomorrow at 5 "he said " Okey then see you there" I said he hugged me he was taller then me when he left I looked at my side and Henry wasn't there that was weird I went to regimes house and Henry was there he was in his room I walked in "Why the hell did you leave me at there " I said hitting him with a pillow he didn't answer he just continued playing his game I rolled my eyes and turned of his game "what the hell y/n " he said but he was mad I can tell because he never screamed at me like that "yikes " I said "How about you leave me alone " he said I was kinda shocked he never screamed at me like that I dorm even know why he's mad "What the fuck did I do to you" I said wanting to cry he was the only person that was always there for me and he was screaming at me he didn't answer "Tell me what the fuck I did you you" I said mad at this point "You've always made my life harder you always bother me now I know why you're dad left you" he said I started crying "what " I said "That now I know why you're dad left you"he said I started crying more "You're right its just like why you're mom left you" I said "Well at least I got here back" he said I knew I upset him but at this moment I don't really care "Yea but she still left you and you're adoptive mom never loved you " I knew it wasn't true it's just when I'm mad I strata saying harsh things "You're right" he said and ran away even if this is his house what did I just do I fought to myself after a while I went to look for him.

Henry's p.o.v
Wtf did I just do I cared a lot about here I liked her I was mad but what she said to me was the worst feeling ever mostly when I trusted her a lot I knew she didn't mean that  but the fact that she said it it just feels like it's true I went to granny's I went to the back sense they knew me they didn't really care I went to my dads room and I sat there just thinking.

Y/n p.o.v
I knew Henry and I knew when he's alone he either goes to his dad room or his castle he wasn't at his castle so he was in his dad's room I was stupid for saying that I just hope he forgives me I went to the back and went to his dad's room the door was still opened so I walked in he was on the bed he wasn't crying he was just serious "Henry" I said not even dating to look at him "What do you want came here to bother me more about me not being loved " he said " No Henry I'm sorry and  you're loved by a lot of people " I said now looking at him "yea by who " he said not looking at me I sat next to him "By you're family and me " I said I lived him more than anything "what" he said looking at me "Henry I love you more than anything" I said "I love you too" he said smiling "really?" I asked him kinda confused "Yes " he said "oh " I was out of word I never knew he actually liked me he leaned in and so did I we kissed it wasn't a big kiss just a simple one "So y/n will you be my girlfriend " he asked me holding my hand "Yes" I said smiling we kissed again and we went back to his moms house we were hanging out and talking but now we were boyfriend and girlfriend .

Okey so there also it's weird cz my crushes name is Henry and when we talk they tell us if we're going out or relationship goals It's weird because I like him and they always tell us that and we always say that we're not going out and that he's not my boyfriend it's just weird and we do get along he teases me a lot just because he was born 6 months earlier than me and there is a boy David and we're friends but he always tells me bae or me amorsito ( my love ) and we're not going out.

Am I the only one that this happens to that they do this with you and you're crush ?

Jared / Henry imagineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora