Chapter Fourteen

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I own nothing

Ingrid was pissed.
Royalty pissed.
Not only did those disgusting breathers kidnapped her brother, now they want him to go to their stupid breather's school? !
No way will she allow it!
"Listen here breather, there is NO way that my brother goes anywhere with you!" She told the aged man with an enraged snarl on her lips.
" Now now, miss Ingrid. I assure you, your brother will be safe and he will be able to learn his abilities" the headmaster told her kindly, his grandfatherly act in place.
As Ingrid was a child that need to be learned control herself.
Ingrid glared.
How dare this breather to scold her?! She felt her baby brother's hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down.
She sent him a small smile. Really she loved her little brother so so much.
Which is why there was no chance in HELL she would let those pitiful breathers hurt him.
" Ingrid darling, I know your scared that he'll get hurt, that you'll lose him but I promise you, he will be fine, and if not well they will pay dearly, with their life" her beloved father whispered in her ear in Romanian.
She felt her smile widening, her father was the best father ever. He always knew what to say to make her feel better.
Yes, she smirked wickedly.
If they hurt her brother, there would be HELL to pay.

Hii hope you like it
- WD

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