Stressed Out

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Have you ever wanted to take back something you said or done ?

I do .

I don't know why I did it in the first place . Was it because I wanted to get back at my family or just do it . I guess I will never know , right .

My name is Gwen .I'm 22 years old and a pregnant loner . Can life get any better?

Yes , no , maybe so ?

My life story began now . Not when I was born , but now as Gwen's Infinte Playlist .

I look up at my sealing fan going round and round. For some reason I like it .It just goes round and round until you or the electric company decided to cut it off.

My phone starts to ring . I looked at it and it was just an alarm to say ' Get your ass up it's time for work .' I really hate my alarm .

I get off my bed and starts to take a shower .After that I put on my work clothes for the cafè.Which was a brown shirt and blue pants .I put my long brown hair in an messy bun then started to walk the cafè.

My phone starts to ring again . It was my boss Chloe.

I picked it up and she said" Hi Gwen ,Tamara wont be there today so I need you to take a double shift ."then she hung up .

I sigh , muttered bad words and kept walking .It's a good thing , because I'm kinda late on a bill . In stopped walking when I feel kinda sick . It's been happening lately ever since I found out I was pregnant .I walk into the cafè and then I bumped into someone .

I pick up my stuff that was on the ground and looked at the person . It was Jonah Tucker. The rich boy , playboy , Mr.Noble ......and my ex-best friend .

He helped pick up my stuff and said " I'm so sorry ....Gwen ."

I looked away and said "Sorry wrong person ."
He looked at me and smiled "Gwen ?"

" Yeah it's me Gwen." I said trying to walk away .

"I haven't seen you in a long time ." I took of my jacket. His smile faded away " Wow, congratulations."

I looked down at my stomach and said " Thanks I have to get working ." then I went on to start working .

My co worker Nina said "Is that the secret baby daddy . Mr.Tucker ."

I ignored her and started cleaning cups and bowls .

I actually liked seeing Jonah, but I hate him.He was my foster parent's first kid . He's almost like me an orphan , but rich . I can't blame the guy.Great things happens in good peoples life. The last time I saw him was when I was 17. We got in a huge fight. He was my first best friend , crush , lover , but now he is nothing except something in my life I don't need.

Nina tapped my shoulder and said " We have an order. We need one of those birthday cake popsicle things. Hurry because there is a little braty kid out there and she is getting on my last nerve. Her poor mum ."

I prepared a popsicles then saw a little girl with light brown skin , green hazel eyes , and short brow curly hair . She was wearing a flower dress .It looked very pretty.She looked like she was crying also her mom.

The mom popped the little girl and said " Stop acting up Francisa !" I went to her and said " I like your dress , here." then I gave her the popsicles .

She wiped her tears and said " Thank you ma'am."

" You are welcome young lady ."

Her mother smiled and said " Thank you ......Gwen ."

" No problem....."

" Sorry my name is Mavis. " Mavis and Francisa sat at one of the tables .

I went in the back to help Nina .

" So how was it with that bloody brat?"

" She is not a brat ,Nina !"

She rolled her eyes and she said " What ever you may call it."

After I finished my double shift.I went home usually I would go drinking at the club or something now all I do is .

I'm really stressed out . With bady issue . What about if I'm not the best mother ever.
I lay down in my bed looking at the sealing fan . Then I hear a knock at the door .I go to the door and looked through the peep hole. I opened it up and It was Jonah .

" What the hell you want ?" I asked in the nicest way I can.

" I want to talk and you forgot this .." he handed me my jacket.

I took it and said "How do you know where I live?"

"Some girl named Nina ."

I sigh and said "Thank you for giving me my jacket , but I'm rather tired -"

" Gwen , congratulations.I guess I will be going then, good night."

I closed the door and sat on the floor , putting my back on the door .I rubbed my belly and started crying.
"Mommy loves you and no-nothing will happen to you okay ." I cried

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