« ᴛʜɪʀᴛᴇᴇɴ : ᴄᴏɴғᴇssɪᴏɴ »

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⠀⠀⠀"I've got something to tell you." Yuichiro whispered lowly after a moment of pause, fingers twitching and shoulders beginning to tremble under Mikaela's hold. Olive irises avoided cobalt as the raven ducked his head, ashamed and embarrassed; reason, the blond didn't know. "It's something I have been meaning to tell you for a long time, but I've never built up enough courage to say it. I've gone too far to stop now," He smiled up at the blond with teary eyes, bringing his sleeve to wipe them away sloppily. "Which means how you react towards it determines where we go, where I go."

⠀⠀⠀"Yuu-chan, what're you talking about?" Mikaela questioned, panic rising in his voice.

⠀⠀⠀Yuichiro sniffed, wiping his tears carelessly as they began to fall, drip by drip staining the carpet and leaving darker shades where the liquid spilled. He chuckled lowly, trying to reassure himself that he would be okay even if it meant the outcome wasn't what he dreamt it'd be. He was so terrified to be rejected it was swallowing him whole; he was so desperate for this person in front of him that he was breaking down, exposing weakness and bringing down the walls that secured him from being hurt. By this point, it had become utterly useless to back out and rebuild the thick walls again. He couldn't keep his emotions and endearment for Mikaela Hyakuya locked away anymore.

⠀⠀⠀The raven stayed quiet for a moment, clearing his nose and throat, so he could be more likely to speak rather than being an inaudible mess. He clutched tightly at his uniform, cloth wrinkling beneath his grasp as he portrayed to be seize his figurative heart. With a quiet whisper, he sighed and began to speak; voice wavering and hoarse. "You are my savior," He started unsurely. "You were the only one to really stick with me, tolerate my stubbornness, and managed to step-by-step get me through the Hell I walked and crawl out of the hole that was my depression. I am so grateful for all that you've done; I am so grateful to have met you. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't because of you and your lovable, persistent self.

⠀⠀⠀"I remember a few months ago, on a rainy night around eleven— I was determined to finally end my misery and kill myself without anyone to notice me; not even my friends that loved and cared about me. I was to jump off the bridge and flow away like I never existed. Back then, I was selfish. I wanted to vanish from this world without a single saying of farewell because I knew someone would be there to stop me." Yuichiro grinned warily to himself. "But then this man came rushing over to me, shouting and scared as if he knew me personally. I was so confused. Furious, even. To think someone had the right to stop me when all I was doing was doing everyone a favor.

⠀⠀⠀"But, unexpectedly, he spoke to me differently. He told me everything would be okay. My friends didn't even tell me things like that; they told me that they cared and brought me necessities, but it wasn't the reassurance that things would be okay. It was different. Being promised to be taken care of didn't tell me it'd be fine, nor would it stay that way. Not to mention, I was being more of a burden rather than a friend— or at least, that's how it seemed." Yuichiro laughed, smiling widely at the memory that was engraved into his mind like words upon stone. "You were so much like him. I was almost close to believing I had found him again. God, I have so much to pay back.

⠀⠀⠀"That isn't what I wanted to tell you, though." The dark-haired male murmured, entangling his fingers into the rim of his shirt and swinging back and forth nervously. This is it, Yuichiro told himself, I am really going to do it. Mikaela watched the raven cautiously, eyes grazing into Yuichiro's as if lost in his own thoughts but still managing to listen to him. The blond nodded as a gesture to let Yuichiro know he had his [ almost ] full attention.

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