29. Thal, Jean Clerc and Gédéon (Part 2).

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- You don't look like him that much...

- Fake twins.

- Gédéon.

- Yes, sorry. I don't know what's happening to me. It's not like I'm used to be like that.
- It must be because of the smell that clings to you.

- What smell?

- I see a kind of baby smell...

- Wait. You mean to say you can see the smell on Gédéon.

- That's it. It changes people's behavior. I've never seen such a powerful one. Your child?

- Now yes. I will kill Juliet.

- Right. So we came to get some informations on the key. Ienan wants to help you to the last step. What is this step already?

- I want to leave the lemniscates.

- There are steps for that?

- You tire me. The third part of the key is called the Obalie of Saint Etienne and was guarded by a wealthy Dutch entrepreneur Mr Rolland Bakhuijsen.

- Was?

- It was recently stolen.

- Who stole the key?

- Sebastian and Erica.

- What? But they are part of the Lemniscates!

- They betrayed us?

- They are thieves, you know... And in their defense, they were unaware that this was the key. Who would have thought that the key was a pin.

- A pin ?

- Cheer up! You have already found the haystack.

- Very funny. Okay, question: why the third part of the key was not protected?

- Ho, it was. Only two people on Earth were aware of these protections: Ienan and myself. To protect it, we have never spoken of it for 150 000 years. Then we decided to hide it in the open. We made it a rare religious object. With some wards within our reach, we have entrusted it to mortals. Whenever one of them dies, we give it to someone else. We even set up a chosen one system.

- A chosen one system?

- Yes, we made them believe they are chosen. That it's their destiny.

- But it's horrible.

- Not really. They are happy in general.

- But you put them in danger.

- Better them than us. In addition, they will fight to the death to protect their "precious"

- An ephemeral flame shines brighter than an eternal one.

- That's it.

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