Two teachers, a vampire and a witch, start a food blog...
To be fair, it's a bit more complicated than that. Manners dictate I give introductions. I'm Terrence Rogers. Vampire, stuck in the house all day, hungry, and killing nothing but time until class starts.
Sitting in on faculty meetings with me is Carrie Stark. She totally has that paint caking her jeans aesthetic, and if she stops getting me in trouble long enough for me to take a photo I'll snag one for you. And by trouble, I mean dragging me to the college's art club which she sponsors.
Hosting our blog is Tiffany Rose, both lover of vampires and witches with a serious blogging addiction. We tell her our stories, and she posts them.
Tastes Like Ash is a multiplatform interactive series, so to fully dig in you might want to follow elsewhere as well. While not necessary, everything from these accounts will be written from the character's point of view for added fun. The tweets, the tumblr posts, even the traditional wordpress posts. Here's where you can find more about vampire-filled adventures.Twitter: @TastesLikeAsh
Tastes Like Ash
VampireTwo teachers, a vampire, and a witch start a food blog... To be fair, it's a bit more complicated than that. Terrence Rogers is a vampire stuck in the house all day, hungry, and killing nothing but time. This leads him to the obvious choice, startin...