Two teachers, a vampire, and a witch start a food blog...
To be fair, it's a bit more complicated than that. Terrence Rogers is a vampire stuck in the house all day, hungry, and killing nothing but time. This leads him to the obvious choice, startin...
I thought I'd front load the recipe today since Terrence keeps having them at the end, and I have the needless urge to be different today. After the recipe, there is a collection of my favorite book of shadows posts I've found online.
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What You'll Need:
1 ¼ cup of all-purpose flour (Wheat is a symbol of prosperity)½ teaspoon of salt1 ½ teaspoons of baking powder1 ¼ teaspoons of sugar1 egg1 ¼ cups of milk½ cup of blackberries (Another sign of prosperity)Maple syrup (Our last kitchen witchery ingredient)
What To Do:
Mix together the flour and baking powder in one bowl, then beat the egg with the milk, salt, and sugar in another.Stir the second into the first before mixing the chopped up blueberries in.Spray a preheated skillet and pour pancake mix into it on medium heat.Cook for about 90+ seconds or so, then flip, and cook until golden.Once finished add butter and syrup to your liking.
With our blackberry prosperity pancakes made, consider the of rest this post the table of contents and the link in the comment section the pages of a book of shadows.
Simple Spells and Divination Ideas: Draw signals in chalk outside and have the rain charge and release it. — From Flowers and Magic
Drop a rock into a still pool of water and count the ripples. An even number means yes. — Violet Witchcraft
Ward an area with your wifi signal. — Liberdemagnusmartibus
Salt and rock home protection spell — Raven White Witch
Make Your Own Sigils — Fox
Dice Divination — Starling Fortunes
Budget Witchcraft Supplies — Witch Tips
Food Magic for Witches — Witches Lore
Moon Magic: Light tea candles to reflect the phases of the moon. I use eight so I can reflect a number phases. Full moon means I light them all, new moon I light two candles that aren't part of the set. You can then mix this with any rituals, chants, or offerings.
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— My Creativity Flows Freely
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— Financial Abundance
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— My words flow freely when writing
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— I am unbreakable
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— This plant shall grow vibrant and strong
Love Spells: I'm thinking about adapting Compass of Love or Call to the Universe and giving that a go. If you try out either of them or know a really good spell please let me know!