Coming Home

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School ended at 17:00pm for me, as I had a club after school on Wednesdays that I'd been forced to go to by none other than my mom.

The light spread across a small amount of the dirty sidewalk that had become my route back home and the light of was a streetlight that only turned on after dark, as I had been stuck in Orcheastra.

No-one chooses to be in our school Orcheastra, the head of the Music Department just decides that, if you get good enough at an instrument, you have to play it in Orcheastra every Wednesday.

It was more of a massive cluster-fuck of instruments than an Orcheastra, to be honest.

Due to this odd rule (having to play in the Orcheatstra if you weren't shit), I had been forced to play the Flute in the school Orcheastra, by both my mom (as forementioned), and my Music teacher, Mr Vicks. It's not that I don't like the Flute, it's just that I'm pretty bomb at Bass Guitar, but Mr Vicks won't let me play it because I don't learn it in my dumb music lessons.

The streetlight didn't illuminate much, but it did illuminate the Flute I hadn't bothered to buy a case for, and, of course, Melanie's face.

"Hey!" She ran over to me holding a hard case in the shape of a Guitar. She said that she wanted to find out where she could dump this old thing, and if the school would take it.

"I just really need a new Guitar!" she laughed. Do you know when you're in the cold, and it's so freezing, your breath looks like smoke? That's what it looked like when she talked. Except it didn't look like that.

She was smoking.

"You shouldn't do that, you know?"

Melanie looked at me, and laughed, "What, do you think I smoke these on the regular? Ha, no! Tara shoved it in my mouth and I'm looking for a bin. Don't litter, folks," She imediately took the drug out of her mouth, and held it clutched in her hands. I wasn't sure if she was lying, but I honestly didn't care. Well, I did care but it's her body. I'll leave her be. As long as she doesn't blow smoke into other peoples faces.

I waited oustide the school, holding my phone at the ready, just incase I had to call her for taking years to give the school her Guitar, which I hadn't seen, by the way. I wondered if it was littered with stickers, and slightly out of tune, kinda like my Bass.

Ten minutes turned into fifteen, and fifteen turned into twenty. I wondered what the heck was going on, so I texted her;


'Dude, did a teacher abduct u?'

'whos this?'

Oh yeah, I'm an unkown number, I thought.

'Oh it's ashley. the girk from school'


'hi girk ;). also no they arent abducting me. Theyre just tuning it. It took me literally eight yrs to take off the stickers lmao. brb'

'ew you say ';)'. its better like this '(;''


I then realised that she had gone to talk to a teacher, and decided to pace up and down the walkway.

I thought about how she was hanging out with Tara, and how I shouldn't trust Mel. Tara hurt me, and I don't want her to hurt Mel. Tara turned me into a jerk, and I don't want her to turn Mel into one.

I also don't want Mel to bully me.

"Melanie has left the building!" She anounced, holding a now empty Guitar case.

"I saw your message, Ash. Smileys are supposed to be semi-colon, bracket, not bracket, semi-colon!" She seemed passionate about emojis, and quite honestly, I would be lying if I didn't say that half the population of our generation weren't passionate about emojis...

"Whatever you say, Mel,"


We walked down the road, and instead of learning more about eachother, we chatted about absoulute garbage. At the moment we were talking about nicknames.

"Oh my gosh, I could call you M&M!"

"Huh? Why?" She obviously didn't see my genius,

"Your first name starts with 'M' and your second name starts with 'M', duh!" Her face lit up, and she was obviously now aware of my genius.

"Wait, what about me?"

"You don't need a nickname. Your names awsome!" She said, overexagerating every word.

"I literally share my name with half the of white girls in starbucks, it's not 'awsome',"

"What's your username then?"

"Which username? The username for; My personal Tumblr, my personal Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, Myspace, Livejournal, my fan Twitter, my fan Tumblr, or Youtube?"

"Why do you have Myspace and Livejournal?"

"Why don't you?"

"Because I'm not Pete Wentz, and this isn't 2007. Anyway, I mean your Youtube,"

"Oh, it's Halsey. Why do you want it?" I hoped to whatever force in the universe that she wasn't going to search my name.

"I want it for your nickname, Halsey," She smirked at me, and then stopped in her tracks. She looked up at a house and turned back at me.

"I gotta go now. My moms hell-hole of a house is calling my name," She laughed, and started walking up the driveway, waving back at me, "See ya!"

I copied her wave, and shouted a quick 'bye' before turning and walking onward to my house. I was left once again thinking about Melanie. I'm unsure why I want to be her friend so much, but I obviously do. I hope Tara just decides to fuck off.


This is 932 words oml.

anyway, i hope you like this. I like this fic, but im unsure if its good or not. eh, im gonna write it anyway lmao. also this actually has reads oml.

be happy, i guess

bye - tk

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