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The minute I was finished with my last exam, I bolted out the door to join the excited crowd of kids leaving school for the summer. As usual, I had to dodge ripped textbooks and notebooks that were strewn across the floor and angry teachers trying to hold onto their last moment of power over us. 

My bus was no better than the school. Because there was no after school athletics practice on the last day of school, the entire bus was jam packed with unruly middle schoolers. Pulling my hands closer to my body in disgust, I managed to squeeze into a seat with a guy who looked slightly less annoying than the rest. 

Sighing, I looked down at my purple shoes. Today was the last day I would ever get to wear footwear of my choice to school. It was time to say goodbye to tall, villainous looking black boots and trendy sandals. From next year onward, I would only wear tennis shoes. I would have to face the monstrosity that made even a fearsome villain like me tremble in terror. The abomination commonly known as Physical Education. 

I shuddered at the thought, pulling out my phone to check Wattpad. I had some new readers, and almost two hundred votes! Pushing PE out of my mind, I focused on writing the twentieth chapter of Glitches.

"Hey, what are you doing?" One of the boys sitting across from me nudged my foot. I rolled my eyes, ignoring him. I, the Ice Queen of Lessaenes, had no business with such monkey-like, immature beings. 

"I asked you a question," the boy spat. 

"I'm writing," I said tersely, barely even looking up. 

"Writing?" The boy snorted, turning to his friends. "Hey, guess what? Saralee's writing outside of school! For fun!"

I rolled my eyes and continued to write as the boys joked about me as if I wasn't right in front of them. As I finished the chapter, preparing to publish it, I was struck by a glorious idea. What better way to take revenge on my school's primate population than to include them in my book? Yes, when I started the sequel to Glitches, Codes, I would add these boys. I would call them...Rhenans! 

Pleased with my work, I relaxed for the rest of the ride before exiting the bus at my stop. I hurried home, gladly pushing past the slow, noisy crowd of apes in front of me. My joy at knowing that I wouldn't have to see them for three months was ineffable. 

The moment I got home, I disappeared into my room after only a quick greeting to my mom. The last day of school was an important and busy day for me, it was the day I planned my summer. Yes, I plan out my summers day by day, and sometimes even hour by hour. A good evil queen must stay organized, otherwise, how could she look after her empire, hunt down her enemies, and torture rebel leaders simultaneously? 

In less than an hour, my plan was ready. I had allotted more time than usual for writing, I intended to be well on my way to finishing Glitches by the end of the summer. If everything went as planned, I hoped to be finished by the end of the year.

A/N: I find the fact that this was my goal pretty funny, since I literally finished Glitches on December 31, 2015. Yes, I wrote one of the last chapters on Christmas. No, I don't have a life. 

Sighing to myself, I looked up at Selaeyah and Armetorius. As usual, they sat motionless atop my dresser, staring at me with their lifeless doll eyes. Before boredom could set in, a thought struck me. Now that they were officially my evil minions, I was going to have to make them look more convincing. 

Pulling open my closet, I found an old blue tank top with a sequined neckline. Holding it up in front of Selaeyah, I realized that it was almost the perfect size to be a dress for her. The sleeves would need to be shortened, and I'd probably have to remove some cloth at the waist, but those were both doable alterations. 

Next, I turned my attention to her hair, which was currently in a simple half ponytail. No, that would never do for a close friend of the Queen! I loosened the clear elastic that held her hair in place before weaving her perfect, jet black doll hair into an eleven strand Celtic braid. 

A/N: If you think it's weird that I know how to do that, I can also do a Dutch flower braid, a twenty one strand braid (an extended version of the eleven strand braid), make almost every Rainbow Loom design in existence, and make a usable purse entirely out of rubber bands. 

"Sara!" My mom called just as I tied the braid off with a tiny piece of pink ribbon. 

"Coming!" I yelled, quickly putting Selaeyah back on my dresser and running to the kitchen. 

"Your school counselor just called," my mom sighed, putting down the phone, as I arrived. "I have something to tell you."

I didn't know it then, but all my glorious plans for the next year would soon start to unravel. And that phone call was the beginning. 

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