First Day of School

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I'm a bit scared, I told Queen Saralee as I walked into the school. New part of the school, new classes, new teachers, and I'll never get to see my friends...

We'll be fine, Queen Saralee sighed. We always have been. 

Alright...I trailed off, pulling up my schedule on my phone to find the room number of my first period class. I would have to start the day with Non-Blended LA. I'd have none of my friends with me, and a teacher I'd probably never heard of. Great. Just great. 

Feeling very self conscious, I entered the classroom, sliding into a desk in the back corner. I felt like the whole room was staring at me, wondering what I was doing in their class. Looking around, I noticed that Keilee and her clump of Keileeans occupied the entire front half of the room. 

"Hey, Sara! I missed you this summer," Keilee grinned, giving me a fake little Keilee smile and a quick wave. As usual, her minions imitated her.

As if my situation wasn't horrid enough already.

We all went silent as the teacher entered the room. She had a flat, ovular face, thick glasses, and sharp, aquiline eyes that shot fear into even my icy heart.

"Hello, everyone, and welcome to my class," she said, her expression completely emotionless. 

Greetings, fellow she-devil and destroyer of Earth, Queen Saralee intoned. I inadvertently snorted at her perfectly timed humor. 

"Was someone talking while I was talking?" The teacher turned around, venom in her eyes. 

Yes, Miss Whatever-Your-Name-Is, it was I. Do you know what it feels like to get an Aural icicle between the eyes? No? That's okay, I can show you!

This time, I resisted the urge to laugh and stayed silent, frozen with fear. 

"Good, that's what I thought," the teacher spat. "Alright, my class is very simple. We'll be doing vocabulary practice today, vocabulary practice tomorrow, vocabulary practice on Wednesday, and vocabulary practice on Thursday. We'll have a quiz on all the wonderful new vocabulary we've learned on Friday. Next week, we repeat that. Easy, right?" 

She's got to be kidding, Queen Saralee groaned. 

"Excuse me," I raised my hand. 

"What?" The teacher sighed, looking at me as if she would very much like to squish me under her ugly, brown flats. 

Great. It's the first day of school and a teacher already hates me. 

Being hated is my specialty, Queen Saralee smirked. 

"Are we going to do any...writing anytime soon?" I asked. It took all my self control not to be sarcastic. 

"No, why would we?" The teacher rolled her eyes, as if writing in Language Arts class was the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard. "Now, get on your vocabulary! You'll pick up right where you left off last year." 

As I effortlessly answered the vocabulary questions, my brain wandered to thoughts of my friendly Language Arts teacher from the previous year, who had let us practice creative writing every week...The one who had helped my passion and talent for writing flower.

I had a feeling I was going to miss her. A lot. 

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