These Hard Times

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He sighed, the sour feeling of disappointment welling up within him. The young man had just come from a long day of his first day as a high school freshman; it was much different from his time as a middle schooler. Middle school was virtually challenge-free and full of life. High school was perhaps the most challenging thing he had ever faced in his career as a student. He knew that he had taken the easy days for granted. They passed him by with a swiftness that he hadn't become aware of until it was too late. It was sobering, and disappointing to face reality.

It wasn't just his situation as a student that changed; all his friends had left for some other school. He was practically on his own, apart from a couple friends that he could count on, and there was always hope for a new friend. Also, there was her. She was among the crowd that transferred to another school. He wasn't even aware.

It was no secret he had harbored feelings for that particular girl, and he had looked forward to a whole new year with her. Perhaps they could do better, begin the relationship he had desired for almost three years now. A relationship was always a rumor on the horizon; he was determined to meet the goal. There was even a chance that maybe, she liked him back. The rumor was absurd at first; she had bigger, better things to move on to. However, as the year progressed, it didn't seem so insane. They talked more. She had begun using the phone number she had gone through the trouble of acquiring. They got to know each other. It was nice, for a while.

But all that was over. He had to face his challenges like the man he was turning into. She was gone, and he had to move on with his life, if not actually letting go of the feelings he harbored.

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