Entry one

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Dear diary,
That bitch of a therapist thinks it'll be good for me to come clean about everything that has happened in the last two years of my life.
For starters the boy I loved and my best friend, has left me without saying a single word to me. No goodbye. No nothing.
I got bullied; Tully Henderson and her skanks always used to beat me up me everywhere I go.
The bathroom, the locker room, on my walk home from school. Not to mention the threats I have gotten from them. But that's not the worst thing that has happened to me.
Well shit I hate this therapist's whole idea for this shitty diary. I'm not opening up to this.

I sigh loudly as I slam my laptop shut. What the fuck am I even supposed to write about in this stupid diary besides everything I just typed. That was the shit I just told my therapist this morning.
She's a lonely bitch who has nothing better to do then stick her ass in my business trying to get me to open up to the fact that my parents are dead.
And it's my fault.
My brothers in a coma.
And it's my fault.
~FLASHBACK~ One Year Ago
I stumble out of James's house party, with my brother right by my side holding me so I don't fall and break an arm. My parents stand on the sidewalk in front of the black jeep, with a face full of disappointment.
We all get in the car and my dad starts driving off down the icy road. It gets pretty icy here in Colorado, and we aren't used to it here since we just moved here about a week ago.
"Alyssa what the hell is wrong with you! We told you that you couldn't go to the party!" My mom screams at me from the front seat.
"Well it's not like you give a shit anyways!" I retort. (Which isn't true they actually do care, but when I'm drunk I kind of become a little ignorant)
"Young lady do not speak to you're mother that way!" My father bellows while turning left to drive down the bridge.
"Dad shut the fuck up you cheating piece of shit!"
"Alyssa please calm down you aren't thinking about what you're saying!" My brother, Xavier chimes in trying to get me to stop my rant while I'm at it.
"No, fuck no! I don't need this!! Let me out of this damn car" I open the car door and jump out then I run down the bridge towards the woods, my parents and brother start chasing me, calling out my name.
It's in this moment that a car about 15 feet from me stops and three men step out of the car and start walking towards me.
"Hey little lady..." one guy with piercing green eyes and a tall slender like figure says with a smirk playing on his lips.
"Are you looking for a ride, we could give you a ride?" He continues.
He glances up and down my body very creepily, raping me with his eyes and then he all of a sudden grabs me and covers my mouth so I don't scream.
When my parents and Xavier finally catch up to me and when they see me being held against my will; my father and brother pounce on the men.
My father tackled the guy that had a hold on me and I ran quickly to my mother.

She wrapped me in her arms and whispered to me that everything is going to be okay. Meanwhile my brother is fighting off the two other guys, and my father takes care of the one that had his hold on me. Then out of nowhere the two guys pinned my brother to the ground and started punching him in the face.

They punched harder and harder, until I could no longer recognize my brother anymore. His face battered and bruised. Blood spilling all over. Then the guys came over to me and my mother next. She told me to run to the woods and hide so I did. I ran up the big hill and hid in the bushes; yet I was still watching everything that was happening.

The man that my father was fighting pulled out a knife and stuck it in my fathers side, I knew it had hit something important, and I knew he would bleed out in a few minutes.

While all this horror was happening I suddenly felt sober and came to terms with what was going on, so I pulled out my cell phone and dialed 9-1-1.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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