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A/N just chose an upbeat song to lighten the depressing mood haha as the book goes on it won't be that depressing. Just stay tuned...
Kisses, Alyssa

Hayes and I were best friends since we were little.
I've basically known him all my life, and somehow at the age of 13 I fell in love with him.
He is so funny, thoughtful, sweet, and caring. I just couldn't help my feelings the heart wants what it wants. Ha see what I did there. I start giggling to myself like a crazy person deep in thought, that my mom comes in my room and starts staring oddly at me.
"Alyssa what is wrong with you, why are you staring off into space with a crazy look on your face and giggli- is my little girl in love."
"What!- mom no." I shriek at her pretending to deny the ever so clear fact that I, indeed am in love. With the one and only 'Benjamin Hayes Grier.'
"Come on sweetie, I know that look anywhere, that's the look I make when I'm with your father." She looked up at the ceiling dreamily and makes the look that I just made.
"Okay fine mom, maybe I am in love..." I pause waiting to hear her scream, I mentally prepare myself; what if she gives me 'the talk.'
"Well you obviously need to tell Benjamin, and in fact you should go right now." My mom tells me as she starts to pick up my clothes off the floor that I lazily left there last night.
"I can't mom he's probably busy attending to all of his fans and making a video with his brother..- wait mom how did you know it was Hayes!?!" I shriek while waving my arms around like a looney tunes character.
"Well you always get tense and nervous when he's around and whenever you get nervous your hand twitches, plus you were just admiring that picture of you two on your nightstand." She states matter of factly.
Wow I never noticed my hand twitches whenever- wait I should go tell him maybe he feels the same way. And if not he deserves to know..
"Okay mom I'm going to go tell him right now." I tell her as I walk out of my room, and head downstairs.
I'm gonna tell him, your gonna be okay. There's a 50/50 chance that this is either going to work out or I will never be able to walk out of this house again.
I walk right across the street to Hayes's house and knock on the door very rapidly.
"Coming!" Yells a voice from inside.
The door creaks open and it's Hayes's mom.
"Oh hello Alyssa."
"Hello Elizabeth is Hayes home?" I ask curiously.
"No he left to LA this morning with Nash, it's crazy how famous those two became isn't it?"
Wait what!!
"Wait Hayes left to LA?" I ask rather quickly and a bit sad.
"He never told you. He's going to be gone for awhile I'm surprised you didn't know."
"Yeah well he never told me." My voice cracking as I tell her, tears forming in my eyes.
I tell Elizabeth goodbye and walk to the park. I take a seat on the same swing I first realized I loved him. That's when I let my tears out. Then as if Mother Nature is feeling my pain it starts to pour rain. Great just add onto my already emotional mood.
It's not for the fact that he left and doesn't know I love him, it's the fact that he's my best friend and without him the bullies will get more power. He was the wall between that, he was my savior.
It was always Alyssa and Hayes forever. He knows all of my secrets and I know all of his.
He knows the real me. He helped me with everything. It was us against the world... And now he's gone...
What will I do without my best friend..

Hayes's pov:
I can't believe this I'm going to LA today I'm so excited.
"Hey bro, you got your bags?" Nash asks me coming back into the house after lugging his giant suitcase into the cab.
"Yeah I got it right here." I say pointing to the bag in my hand.
"Oh haha yeah okay just go put it in the cab."
"Sure thing," I walked out to the cab and put my luggage in the back.
I glance up to Alyssa's house but think nothing of it because as soon as I look I receive a notification from Twitter. I just got a whole bunch of collage pictures that I'm tagged in. My fans are the best. They are so sweet and caring. "Bro what are you waiting for get in the car." Nash yells while he gets in the cab.
Oh right the flight.
So I hop into the cab.
We soon arrive at the airport and have about 10 minutes left until we depart. So Nash and I eat some doughnuts. And it was in that moment I realized I never told Alyssa I was leaving.
I gulp down the doughnut and think,
Oh crap...

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