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Nicole was always that one girl. That one girl who wore black lipstick. That one girl who changed in the bathrooms instead of the locker rooms. That one girl who never seemed to gossip about boys or ever have one like her. She was the girl with exactly 3 friends who was pretty satisfied with that number. Sure, she liked boys but what boy liked the socially awkward girl who screamed about bands with her friends and always seemed to be either depressed, anxious, or hungry. Not one. Nicole could always act like she didn't care, but it's hard not to get jealous when you see your best friend kissing her boyfriend when no person (much less boy) would even give you the time of day.

Michael, on the other hand, never really cared about anything but music, and yet still no girl would look twice at him. But when Nicole leaves her few friends in her small private school for the bustling, crowded public schools he will soon become the only one she sees, and he will show her that she is beautiful, if only she could believe him.

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