Chapter 9

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Antonio pressed his foot more heavily against the pedal, urging his car to speed up. Trees raced past in a brown blur as the pickup sped down the straight road, following the angels.

The tracker, who had been introduced briefly as Jackson, was flying in the lead, swooping low to the ground and moving at near impossible speeds. Even with the present situation, Antonio couldn't help but be impressed by the speed and grace at which his tomate's kin (both by blood and spirit) flew. He had heard from Lovino that they were fast, but he had never imagined this.

Lovino... Antonio bit his lip as intense worry seared through his body. We will get you back, he thought fiercely.

I promise.

With that fresh on his mind, the Spaniard turned his attention back to Jackson's silhouette ahead of him and urged his car to go faster.

After a good hour and a half, the group ahead descended into a shadowy clearing. The sun had set a while ago, and the silent blackness surrounding them was unnerving. Not a single cricket chirped.


A/N: sorry about that, I accidentally updated, it was supposed to not stop literally right in the middle of a sentence lol. I fixed that, though, and I'll have the next one up asap. Thanks!
~LJ (hey look at that I actually signed the note)

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