chapter 4

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It was 7pm and everyone started to leave, dad and Dan was fixing the room up while mum was downstairs helping the 'bad boy' to decide to he was going to do with half of the things. I was sitting in my room listening to music and dancing about. I wasn't good at it but its an easy daily workout.  I have always been a bit chubby, but I always thought I would grow tall and get skinny that way, however it failed so I eat less and exercised more, but if something I like is in front of me then I will devour it.

My mum as always opens the door without knocking and enters my room. "Mum!" I yelled "Can you not see the sign on my door?"

"Oh stop acting like a child and listen to me" she sighs then continued when I put my headphones on the wooden table. "Collin's room isn't done...and it is going to take some time, so for now he will be staying in your room with Dan and  you will use Dan's" she clarified.

I was day-dreaming again and I did not say a word. My mum stood there waiting for my answer, but her fake smile turned into a frown and knew my answer was a big fat NO! As if I would let any boys in my room, they would mess it up and do weird thing in my room, what if they secretly bring girl and...NO WAY.


"I knew you were going to say that. So you two will be in a room together until your dad can fix that blood hole in the wall" Mum shook her head.

"NO!" I repeat even louder.

"No...but he has nowhere else to sleep, the living room is filled up with his parent's thing, Dan's got his clothing, and mine and your dad's room have other things. You have a big room which is able to fit another person, and you aren't exactly helping. You have to do this whether you like or not" She commanded.

My jaw drops and became my mum's final decision; I was now sharing a room with one of the biggest perverts in the world known as Collin Carter.

"But mum this isn't fair, no asked if I was okay with this, oh wait you guys never ask me about anything" I cry hoping for her to re-think this through.

"What's going on?" now my dad enters the room, with baby blue paint on his apron.

"Nothing dear, how's the room looking? Mum asks. She's trying to avoid the question, of course she would.

"Mum wants me and Collin to share a room together" I blunted out on purpose.

"Nina" mum shouted out then turned my way giving me the evils.

"Wait what?" dad says confused. "That's not going to happen, Amy go tell Dan to sleep on the couch for tonight and that's final" Dad commanded.

Mum sigh and walked out of the room no one could win an argument with him, as the door closed dad sat on my chair. I was looking outside wait for a lecture from my dad, but he  said nothing. I felt like this awkward silence needed to be broken I tuned around

"Listen" we both say. I stop and nod to let him speak first.

"I know this is happening also sudden, with Collin in and things but right now Collin doesn't know any who lives close to school, and you both have 4 weeks then it's all over"

 I guess dad as right help cannot live with us forever and I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't like to. 4 weeks, what could he possibly do in 4 weeks?

"Fine they can use my room, happy?" I sigh.

My dad smiles "it's only for tonight; I promise I will get his room fixed for tomorrow"

"Promise" I say.

"Promise" he repeated then left the room.

I could hear him talking to Dan and mum that I gave in to him, and that I'm letting them use my room. I listened in and I could hear Dan saying he is going to move back in and some of the boxes are already in his room. I get change into my blue and white shorts, and naïve blue vest top. Then I grab my pillow, cover, and my small sketch book then head down to Dan's room.

"Ah! Nina you can sleep in your own room, I'm going back to mine to get some things" Dan now announces.

"why!" I ask bluntly.

"I'm not gonna leave Collin here on his own, especially with mum and dad. So listen up kid, you are going to look after him until tomorrow" he smiles while I frown.

"Why me there are other people in the house..."

"Mum and dad are coming with me idiot, and I wouldn't dare leave one of them alone with him" he interrupted.

He was over exaggerating about always. His hate began when he was 14 years old, I could not understand why until I reached that age. He was pressured into doing thinks he didn't want to do, however he could have said that he didn't want to do it and, not turn into a complete freak. Anyways back to the point, he was planning to leave me with that hot, sexy hair god...I mean that weird thing that is downstairs. Why do I do that?

"You must be joking right, why can't you take him?" I ask loud enough for everyone in the house to hear me.

"No need to shout. Believe it or not he is feeling down, and he hasn't had an easy life like us you know. So shut up and stop acting like a spoiled brat" he hisses while poking my left shoulder.

"No need for the poking abuse, dick" I say then speed walked back to me room shutting the door. He would always stick up for him but if it was me he would tell me to man up. He is a massive...ASS!

I could hear my dad saying they were leaving and the door shut; I was alone in the house with Collin, I haven't talked to him ever since the little incidence in the living room. I know I have to talk to him one point I'm too upset to face him, it's all Dan's fault.

"Knock Knock, guess who"

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