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this chapter is basically everyone getting to know each other so they can act normal around each other so its not really as funny

analusername: but seriously I don't know any of you

goondex: I'll leave that to you guys

queen_stef: Well I will start I'm Stefani and Daryl from The Walking Dead is my husband ok

batman_dan: My name is Dan, I love batman thats what I'm knowned for I guess

imnotaaron: dum dum bubblegum bitch -aron

analusername: what the fuck

gooodjoe: I'm Joe, idk whats important to say other then stay away from Spencer hes mine <3

aleks_hd: don't worry James is mine ;)

analusername: of course ;)))))))))))))))

goondex: stop using so many fucking wink faces

analusername: ur just jealous ur fuckin goon

goondex: I can accept that

daddybobross: So I'm Joe and so is the other Joe but call me Joseph instead and I do art and stuff, Bob Ross is my dad

analusername: who is Bob Ross

koots_meow: TrIGGeRed!11!!1!


analusername: oooh yeah the afro guy

koots_meow: So, I'm Jordan and I really love cat and the holy gabe newell

analusername: oh thats nice

spenintendo: finally, I'm Spencer I mostly like nintendo and play pokemon also I love Joe so Aleks make sure u stay in ur lane boy

analusrname: good now I know all of you, so I can send dick pics

aleks_hd: where they at tho

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