Where did you go..??

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Neha's pov:

Am I dreaming ??
Was it really him??

I was really flabbergasted. Ruthless cold hearted Arjun even knows to speak calmly asking for a favour and not to mention his last words , Did he even say a thanks !! was it true?? .I must admit he looked so cute when he was soft-spoken . It suits him more than that arrogant smirking look.He could act like this always.Its really another face of him.

"Down to earth Neha ! U have so many meetings on line today. Stop starring and start your work." It was my mind voice taunting.

I managed a few meetings , handled quite a few reports , it was a heck of work today. I was a bit tired when I left to home. I slipped into my pyjamas and T-shirt and soon drifted to sleep.

Next morning turned out be a surprising one..
I was awaken by a call...I swiped the answer icon , still my eyes closed in the sleeping mode.

"Neha ?? "the person on the other end spoke in a questioning tone.

"Hmmm...💤.. yeah !! "I yawned in the middle of my answer.

"Its me Arjun! "He said in a smoky voice.

"Ahh..Arjun..Who is that??" I asked still sleeping.

"I am your boss Arjun Krishna "the answer came.

"Huhh..Arj..Boss " I stammered letting out the words.

"Guess you are in a hangover" ,He taunted me.I could hear him giggling at the other end.

"Shhhhh sorry !!" I murmered. Now I was fully awake and I sat still on my bed astounded .

"Whatever ! Listen Neha!
I will be on off today.But there is meeting with the Face group of companies.Manage it on your own."He exhorted.  It was'nt a request , seemed more like a order.

"Okay ! But you went early yesterday ,off today ,Is everything okay?? "I spoke out of concern.

"That's none of your business. Do what is assigned to you. Bye ! " He cut the call.

"The Mr.Arrogant side of him again. Only yesterday I thought he has a soft side in him ,now again he is back to square one. He is really a mystery" I let out a sigh.

"Stop the useless thinking Neha.You have a bunch of work ahead on todays bucket." It was my mind voice alarming.

"Ohh no It's getting late..I must get ready soon. "I realised.
Soon I took my shower and got ready in my chocolate brown salwar and left for office.

It was really a hectic day at office.I had a lots to manage. The day almost came to end and I was too exhausted . I reached home and dozed off soon , I even forgot to eat..

He was on off for the next day too.

It was the third day.
I woke up early got ready in a haste and left for work.As soon as I stepped into the office , my eyes went automatically checking his cabin.To my disappointment he was not there today too...

I missed the time we worked together , the worthless crazy fights we had and those annoying moments that happened in the past one month. Thinking of those,I felt bad, "What's making him that busy ? What's wrong?? Where did he even goo ! He didn't even inform these two days..." these thoughts were pricking me .

I continued to do my work.But still I was thinking of him more. Is he ill or something?? I was panicked.

"Why do you think of him always Neha. He is nothing to you.Moreover you are free from his ridiculous speeches for these few days.Stop searching him and enjoy his absence!! Once he comes , he will start his damn bitching again. "my mind voice warned me.

But my heart and eyes felt like seeing him.
Out of those thoughts something nailed me.

"Shh ....How did I even forget this. He is Abhay's brother no , Soo let me ask him about Arjun. You're a fool really as he says" I scolded myself.

"Okay but what if Abhay takes me wrong .Will he mistake me if I inquire about his brother.No he won't, after all he is my bestie. I'll just ask it as a offical info" I decided.

I called Abhay.

"Helloo lazy rabbit !!U still remember  your best friend ?" he answered more in a teasing tone.

"Stupid Bebo.Stop the non sense" I said.

"Ouchhh it hurtss !! I have become a nonsense to you ..."he said in his puppy voice .

"Stop your drama Abhay ! I can't laugh out loud in my workspot. " I said.

"Workaholic Neha ! Now what makes you call me at this busy hour and how is your work going ? Heard that you are working with Arjun .How is it working with him ?"he debriefed  everything.

"Uhhmmm...It's going pretty well and let me ask you something. Why is Arjun on off ?" I finally leaked out my question.

"Ohh .. Is it ! But I saw him going out in the morning..Didn't he come there ?" he asked weirdly.

"What  !! He went out ?? but he is not here !, then where did he go ? May be he has a bad habbit of not informing to others.Now if I blabber out they will be worried .I should manage." I become aware of the situation.

"Ohh sorry Abhay ! He told  that he will be directly going to meet the client in his office . I totally forgot it !" I pouted.

"Okay Nehss ! Take care . We'll catch up sometime later. I'll be leaving to US next week "He said.

"Thats soo soon Abhay!! We'll meet before u leave. Take care buddy !! Bye." I ended the call.

Now I was more worried of Arjun . What's wrong with him ? Shall I call him and ask directly . I realised that I don't even have his number.

Meanwhile Leena came and informed me about the meeting at the Hyatt Regency with Mr.John at 10 in the morning and Arjun should be present for the meeting.It was an important deal to be signed.

Taking this as a chance to speak to him, I searched for his number in the server and finally got it too!

I dialed his number and the call went unanswered after a few rings.

I called again.Now it was answered.
"Hellooo "I heard a supercool voice.

So how was the chapter guys?? Do you like it??

Drop your votes and comments!!
Bare with my mistakes please 🙏

Will update the next chapter soon!!

Take care !!love you loads!!

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