Tears of joy & Tears of pain..

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Thank you readers for patiently waiting for the updates! Love you all !
And here is one more update for today..

Neha's pov:

Experiencing the feeling of mother-to-be is really the greatest joy and privilege. It's not only me who was constantly fancying about the little one , our entire family is much excited about the arrival of our little bundle of joy.

When something extraordinary happens in your life, the road to get there wouldn't be an easy one.
Hell yeah!!. Pregnancy has been much harder so far than I thought it would be. It's not only the tears of joy but also the tears of pain that come along the journey of giving birth.

The first trimester itself was a very tough period. It was really hard to go through those three months. A very rough period I would say; I would be sick most of the time. Along with the sickness my mood swings were adding spices too. It is my poor Arjun who had to handle all my mood swings.I knew I was terribly annoying all these days. But still Arjun never complaints about it, I can love him a thousand more lives, if he keeps on being so sweet .

I could still recall the day when I broke down into tears due to my worst behaviour, "On my 9th week of pregnancy I guess, one night Arjun had ordered for my favorite cheese burst pizza and tried to surprise me. But what I did for that was really shameful. Once I opened the box of pizza,
YUCK ,the smell of cheese !
I threw away the box on the bed and Arjun was stunned to see my actions.

I behave weird these days and all those credits goes to my pregnancy. It has made me hate all my favorites; that includes Arjun's cologne too, the fragrance that I used to long for. He doesn't use the same flavour anymore because the smell is nauseating for me . Now coming to the pizza, all of a sudden I hated cheese. I get nauseaus right away when I see and smell it. To be frank it's afterall I couldn't really eat anything, whatever I eat , I would throw up immediately. "

It was really hard to face Arjun that day after insulting him in such a way. I felt very sorry for him; after all what was his mistake here.. But seriously I am very lucky to have Arjun with me; he would get all my angry rebukes and the next moment he would react as if nothing had happened between us and cares for me. Sometimes I would even become creepy that Arjun would stop loving me due to my unnatural behaviour. But he would sit by my side and pacify me like a kid. I am really thankful to Arjun for all that he does. He keeps on comforting me. In the middle of some nights I've even seen him massaging my swollen foot. In such situations I would feel emotional and blessed to have such a lovely husband.

Whenever I feel sorry for my weird behaviours this is what he keeps on telling me , "It is our love that is growing inside you and I could see the pain you are going through, it's after all your weirdness I am handling through, that doesn't even equal the sufferings you go through. More than love my respect for you has grown immensely".Who would not love this awesome man?

The first three months felt like one long hangover. But all these discomforts; the pain, the nausea, the mood swings and everything are worth it when we got to see our baby; our little bundle of joy in the sonogram. I still couldn't forget our first ultra sound in around eight weeks. We got to see our tiny little peanut on the monitor with its surging heart beats running vibrantly on the screen . That was really incredible! . Me and Arjun were gawking the monitor , completely awestruck seeing the baby's movement. More than me Arjun is the one who is very eager and excited to see the little one. He never misses any of my visits to the doctor.

Every time we visit the doctor, we become ecstatic .The baby never fails to amaze us everytime. By the second ultrasound our little love had sprouted arms and legs and was looking so tiny and cute. It was absolutely mind blowing to see our baby developing in each stage.

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