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8 years later..

Neha's pov:

"RUHI.....Appa* is on the line ...",I shouted out for Ruhi who was getting ready for her school. In a minutes time she was near me snatching the phone from my hand.

"Appa...", she yelled over the phone in her kiddish voice. I silently stood near her and watched her speak to Arjun. Her alighted eyes and the glee on her face while talking to her dad worth billions. Ruhi was always daddy's girl. And for Arjun, Ruhi is his world. Together they make me jealous all the time.

"But I'm not talking to you appa...", she frowned in her childish tone, which sounded more like chanting a melody.

"Hmm.. Thank you pa",she mumbled with her lips still curved down with a sad pout ," I'm angry with you pa",she started arguing with her dad. This father daughter duo will never stop their dramas. She was screwed up because it's her birthday today but Arjun had gone to Mumbai for a business meet.

"Paa.. You promised me that you will be here yesterday itself, first time a birthday morning without you..po pa sanda*(I'm angry on you dad) ",she snapped back in a sing song tone.

I didn't know what Arjun told on the other side, suddenly she started giggling. She was all happy again ,and the glee was back on her face. I want to learn from her how to be happy again. I was just adoring her enchanting face that would make us forget all the worries.

"Love you dad ..you're the best ! Muah ..Muah.." , she was blowing kisses to her dad. After sending her love over the phone, she handed the phone to me.

"I'll call you back Arjun, have to send Ruhi to school, bye... ",I said and hanged up the phone.

I turned towards Ruhi who stood near me dressed up in a white frock like a princess.

"So my birthday doll.. No kisses for mamma ..?" I asked her pouting my lips and knelt down to kiss her forehead. She tangled her hands around my neck and uttered, "love you ma.. Muah", she planted soft kisses on both my cheeks and ran to her room to take her school bag.

"B'day baby shall we leave..? ",Abhay asked lifting Ruhi up in his hands.
"okiee chitappa*( Dad's younger brother), she said kissing Abhay's cheek. He kissed her back wishing Happy Birthday.

He let her down and walked towards the doorway to start the car. Hearing the horn sound of the car, she rushed out to the car, where Abhay was sitting with his daughter Arshi . Arshi was an year younger to Ruhi ,yet they were best friends.

As I made her sit comfortably adjusting the seat belts, she yelled, "Maa don't forget to bake my favorite chocolate cake ..", she said grinning .

"Haha.. done doll",I assured her. But I couldn't control my chuckles.

Now it was mommy's turn to annoy her, "Ruhi don't eat all the chocolates by yourself.. Share it with your friends at school "I warned her.Chocolates-she would die for !; So like me.

"Done ma.. Daddy Promise!",she assured with a smirk. She so well knows how to annoy me.

"Bye Ruhi.. Bye bye Arshi..",I bid good bye to both of them .They too waved back their hands in unison. "Bye lazy rabbit", Abhay whooped and ignited the car to action.. Before I snap back at him, the car disappeared from my vision. I just face palmed myself thinking about my naughty friend and walked in.

I sauntered inside the living room, thinking about Ruhi. I very well know that today she was missing Arjun quite a lot. Though she tried to be happy as usual, the sadness was evident on her face .I decided to take an off today and plan a surprise for Ruhi while she comes back home in the evening. If Arjun was here, he would have arranged for an rocking party . For the first time in these seven years from Ruhi's birth, he is missing her birthday.

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