The First Trial: Maizono Sayaka's Death

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Request from tsukimotonoel. "Her expression during the trial."

You and the others arrived at the class trial's destination. The room was, fancy and way too professional looking for high schoolers.

"Hahahaha!" Monokuma laughed, "You guys finally arrived! So what do you think? Looks like a real courtroom right? What do you think (S/N)? Does this make you feel like your back on a movie set?"

"Looks more like a piece of s*"t to me if you ask me," you said, crossing your arms.

"Okay okay! Get to your assigned seats so that we can get this show on the road!" Monokuma said, ignoring your comment. You and the others obeyed it's order. Your assigned seat was right next to Naegi on your right and a picture of Sayaka that had a big 'X' on her picture in blood. Monokuma started to tell us instructions on what you have to do. Find out who "dunnit".

"Hey Monokuma, quick question," you asked, looking at the picture of Sayaka, "What is this and why is it here?"

"Well, I thought it would be awful to leave our lost one from the trial! Friendships can penetrate death barriers, right?" Monokuma answered.

"P-penetrate?" Hifumi said, sweating and drooling just a bit.

"Ew," you thought in your head.

"I would also like to ask another question," Celeste said, looking at the empty seat, "Why is there an unoccupied seat? There's a total of 16 student, so why are there 17 seats?"

"Oh that. I don't know how that happened, but what's done is done!" Monokuma answered. "So now that's that-"

You cut Monokuma off. "Wait."

"What is it now?!" Monokuma said angrily.

"Nothing. I just wanted to have a little fun before the trial began." You smirked at the now angry Monokuma.

"ANYWAYS, let's start the class trial!" Monokuma said. You folded your sleeves up as if you were about to fight. You were now ready for anything. You're ready to speak up to anything you know. You know you're not the main character for this messed up movie. (Mostly) Everyone is a main character. And you know what viewers wants from the main characters. For the main character to not die at the end.

Our trial started off with the evidence of struggle. Chihiro thought that Sayaka didn't have the chance to resist, but you covered that up.

"I'm sure Sayaka did resist towards the killer. Chihiro, don't you remember how my room looked like?" You said.

Next topic was about the weapon that was used to kill Sayaka. You knew that it was obviously a kitchen knife, but then Owada said that it was some 'random knife'.

"I don't think it was just any knife, Owada. From my observation and investigation, I could only think as a kitchen knife as the murder weapon."

"A kitchen knife?" Owada responded.

"Yeah. After I finished investigating my room, I went to the kitchen and found out that a knife was missing from the row of knives."

Many others began to agree. Then Leon spoke up.

"Okay, so what? The kitchen knife was the weapon, and? We already know who did it. It was definitely (S/N)!" Leon said.

"T-that's right. The m-murder scene was in (S/N)'s r-room right? So w-what else d-do we need to p-prove it?"

"Why don't you two just shut it and not jump to conclusions early. That's not all the evidence I have to prove that I wasn't Sayaka's killer. We're not even at 10% of evidence that was heard from my mouth," you said.

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