Precious Memories and Precious Twin Brother

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You finished practicing the one man act and you were feeling the drowsiness already. "Phew~ That hit the sleep button. Hmm... Oh god, it's already 2 a.m. Better head to-" Before you even step foot towards everyone's favorite place, the knife glistened on the table, capturing your attention. "Oh yeah. I gotta do something about it. Maybe I should look for a knife pocket for the arm. Yeah. I do that later." You yawned your way to your bed. You face planted on the bed, but you didn't care, it was comfy. And so you drifted off to sleep.

Monokuma's morning announcement came and you were so annoyed by it, so you threw your pillow at the monitor. After a few more minutes of laziness, you crawled off your bed and took a shower. You didn't really care if you were late, you needed to feel clean. After showering and drying up, you quickly got yourself dressed and took the knife. Just when you exited your room, Togami was just at his door.

"What took you so long?" Togami asked. Then he saw the knife in your hands.

You waved the knife circularly in her hand. "Don't worry. I'm not going to kill anyone. I'm just going to find a pocket that I can carry this in. Oh, and sorry for not coming to breakfast. I needed time to wake up and get ready."

Togami nodded and crossed his arms. "I understand. But how about I monitor you? You might be lying about the whole "pocket" thing for the knife."

"Um, okay. But I'm going to eat first, then I'll look for it," you said, then walked towards the cafeteria with Togami following you.

You entered the kitchen and placed the knife on the counter. You cooked some French toast, egg and bacon, and made it as a sandwich. It took a few minutes for you to finish eating, and Togami finished doing the dishes for you.

You looked at him and smirked. "Aw~ How nice of you!"

"Shush. I just didn't want to waste anymore time," Togami sighed as he dried his hands. He looked at you for a second, then slightly smirked.

You eyed him and raised an eyebrow. "What's so funny?"

Togami chuckled and took a step towards you. "This." He reached his hand towards the corner of your mouth and wiped something off with his thumb. You looked at what was on his finger. It was some yolk. You blushed in embarrassment, covering your mouth. Togami licked the yolk off his thumb and wiped his thumb with his handkerchief. "Let's go," Togami said, walking past you.

 "Let's go," Togami said, walking past you

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"O-oh! Y-yeah..." You stuttered, grabbing the knife and following after Togami. "OMG! DID HE JUST DO THAT?!?!? OH GOD! HELP ME PLEASE!!!" You thought, holding in your scream by nervously coughing a bit.

"So. Where are we going?" Togami asked, looking towards you.

"Well, I got this leather pocket for the gun in the storage room. So let's go there," you said, walking towards the storage room.

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