A Powerful Show for Ikusaba!

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Everyone in the room gasped at Ikusaba's appearance. Ikusaba looks back at you and smiles.

"(S/N)-san, let's go clear things up, okay?"

You started to tear up, but they quickly disappear. "Ikusaba... Okay!"

"Wait wait wait!" Aoi said, "You still haven't cleared this up! Tell us too!"

"Oh that's right. Well, do you want it in detail, or short story?" You said, smiling at Ikusaba and standing righr next to her. You and Ikusaba explains to the others the whole story. They tried to ask further questions about Ikusaba, like why was she doing this.

"That's classified," you answered.

"Hehe. Seems like you've already know my answers to everything," Ikusaba giggled.

"Well then, shall we get moving now?" Kirigiri asked.

"Can we let Ikusaba change first? You guys can go ahead and gather the others to the cafeteria. Let's go!" You said, pulling Ikusaba with you.

(Time Skip)

You waited for Ikusaba to finish changing. Instead of a red string necktie, she replaced it with a black one and a black blazer. The rest was the same.

"Cute~!" You said, cupping your cheeks with both of your hands.

Ikusaba blushed. "Thank you very much."

Before you and Ikusaba entered the cafeteria, you told her to stay behind you for a second. You took a quick glance at the others in the cafeteria. You turned back to Ikusaba.

"Remember our signal and what to do?" You whispered. Ikusaba nodded. "Okay."

You walked into the cafeteria without hesitation. "Hey guys, what are you guys doing?"

"Why w-would we tell y-you?" Fukawa said.

"Oh~ Back to bookworm stalker mode. Gotcha~ So, any plans on killing me guys? I'm standing right here, so what are you guys waiting for?" You said, leaning onto the side of the door, "I'll let you guys do anything to me."

"A-anything?!" Yamada said, drooling.

"Okay, let me restate that. I will let you guys do anything to me, as long as if it's not what that otaku pervert is thinking of," you said, raising both our your arms out.

"G-guys, this could be our chance! Maybe if she dies, we could have a chance of getting out of here!" Hagakure said, pointing at you.

"No, that's not a good idea. She could be scheming something," Togami said.

"Oh quit talking already! It's not like an assassin will kill me for you!" You said, standing straight.

Just then, a breeze of cold air was sent to your spine. Your eyes widen in surprise and fear. A dagger clicked, close to your neck. You froze. You didn't dare to look or take action towards the person behind you. You looked at the others who were in shock, anger, and fear. Even Togami had the same face as the others.

"Put your arms up and get on your knees," Ikusaba said sharply, loud enough for the others to hear. You slowly put your arms up and brought yourself down. Tears were forming in your eyes. You looked towards Togami.

"Help me..." you mouthed.

Then, you felt Ikusaba pulling your hair. You yelped in pain.

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