Restrain That Man

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My gas petal never once lifted from the floor, all the way to the police station. I'm surprised I didn't get caught speeding and shoved into a cell too.

When I walk in and see the woman at the desk, I feel extremely nervous. What if I can't see him? What am I supposed to say? I've never had to do this before, so I'm pretty lost right now. I suppose it's time to utilise my eighteen-year-old adult status and put on a brave face.

It turns out that because Patrick was only arrested for a bar brawl, I could easily bail him out. Apparently this is standard procedure and after one of payment of two hundred dollars – which I won't be telling my father about- I was told I could take him home. Simple really. Not.

My fingers had shaken when I'd signed the form and I was surprised that they didn't even ask how I knew him. Having my name now listed as a point of contact, probably isn't a good idea considering we're not together anymore and oh yeah... I'm his student.

Waiting for the police officer to collect him was torture too. I had no idea what to expect and my emotion were all over the place. I wanted to see him and at the same time, I didn't think I could stand to see him beaten up. My knee had bounced uncontrollably and I bit my fingers nails to the quick. I think the receptionist lady thought I was high. I don't blame her, since I look like shit.

Now I'm standing with my hand covering my mouth in shock. He walked out slowly, guided by the officer and my eyes took in every detail possible. From his swollen eye right down to his blood stained sneakers. What did they do to you baby?

It's obvious he's still drunk, as he stumbles slightly and I step forward ready to catch him. That's when he actually notices me for the first time and he scrunches his bruised face in confusion.

"Violet? What are you doing here?" His voice is slightly broken and slurred but it still makes my heart flutter. I need to take care of him. Together or not, it's my job.

"I'm here to take you home" I say quietly.

"You came for me?" He asks and his lips pull up into a small smile. He doesn't quite believe I'm here but I think he's glad. It's hard to tell, through the bruising.

"Yeah, I couldn't leave you here to rot now could I?" I try to make light of the situation but his smile fades and he looks mad.

"Why not? I didn't think you cared anymore" he says coldly and I supposed I deserved that.

"We should go" I say dodging his question. He laughs bitterly but nods anyway.

I begin to walk out and he follows behind but with each step he takes, I hear him wincing in pain. I try to ignore it but I can't, so when I turn back around and find him clutching his side I'm next to him in seconds wrapping my arm around his waist.

"I'm okay" he says trying to pull away but I don't let go because I know for a fact he will fall.

"No, you're wrecked and you look like shit. Just let me help you until your home then I'll leave" I'm trying to act tough but the way my fingers automatically grip him, show that I'm not. Having him pressed warm against my side is the only thing keeping me going right now.

He admits defeat after a few guided steps and puts his arm around my shoulder leaning into me. We stumble out of the police station. Somehow I manage to pull the passenger door open and guide him in. As soon as he's siting he closes his eyes and sags into the seat.

Sitting in the driver's side, I call Pete to let him know that I've got him.

"Is he okay?" Pete asks worried.

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