One More Yesterday

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I can't get out of bed fast enough. I've never seen my father hit anyone but by the sounds of it, he could snap at any moment. The reality of the situation stays suppressed for the whole three seconds it takes to get to the door. Then panic explodes in my chest as I realize that it definitely is my father and I'm not hallucinating. First Cassie and Logan, now my father and I can guarantee he's more of a threat.

I see Patrick's ridged form first as he grips the door handle - not to mention he's only wearing his boxers - and I can tell he's trying to think of something to say. As he opens his mouth, I step into view, not dressed much better and take in the terrifying sight of my father, anger pouring off him in waves.

"I'm here, please calm down" I say nervously because it's the best sentence that I'm capable of forming right now. My mind is spinning trying to work out what to do, to defuse the situation even though nothing's happened yet.

"Calm down? Are you fucking serious! What the hell is going on here? I got a random text in the middle of the night, telling me my daughter left a party half drunk and this is what I find!" he shouts, making me jump. From the corner of my eye I see Patrick stepping forward slightly. I appreciate the gesture but now I'm even more terrified that he's going to get punched in the face, as my father clenches his fists.

"Mr Adams, I can explain-"

"Oh, someone better explain alright. Someone better tell me that what I think is happening here, really isn't" he growls, his face turning red.

"It's not what you think" I say pathetically but even I know it's pointless. My father's rage filled eyes land on me and suddenly he's laughing... like a psycho.

"You're really going say that? Do you think I'm stupid? It all makes sense now, all the sneaking around you've been doing. No wonder you didn't want me to meet your boyfriend! He's your fucking teacher!" he continues and I drop my gaze because I don't want to listen to him tearing apart my relationship.

"Stop speaking to her like that!" Patrick snaps and I look up to see him standing his ground. I'm flattered one second, then terrified the next as my father steps forward, getting right in Patrick's face.

"Dad p-please don't" I stutter trying to battle the oncoming tears but it only makes him madder.

"You're lucky I haven't killed him yet!" he growls, keeping his eyes glued to me.

"I love him-"

"Love!" he shouts as if it's a dirty word, before focusing on Patrick again. "You must be really good if you've made my daughter think she's in love with you. I know the truth though! You're a sick fuck, who would no doubt throw her away once you've had enough fun!"

"It's not like that, she means everything to me" Patrick continues. The passion in his voice is obvious to me but with every word, my father is becoming more unhinged. I need to say something, anything that will calm him down but I can't think. I just want the shouting to stop.

"Is that what you told her to get her into bed, you bastard?!" he snaps and before I can blink, he flies forward grabbing Patrick and shoving him into the wall behind him.

"GET OFF HIM!" I shout, my heart filling with terror. My instincts kick in and I grab my father's arm trying to pull him away. Of course it's practically impossible because he's like an unmovable rock.

"Violet, I suggest you go and get in the car!" my father shouts, not taking his eyes away off Patrick, who's glaring back, eyes wild.

"I'm not going anywhere. Let him go, this doesn't help anything!" I plead, trying to catch his eye but he's too focused.

I'm Here To Collect Your Heart (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now