Chapter Eight

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The book which Saree gave me this morning made me discover more of my parent's world. Older books were complicated enough to comprehend, while recent ones were just as my books.

It says seven sorts of people from unknown nations have landed. Even the writers did not have any clue of their nationalities; just gripping on inherited cultures being passed from a generation to another.

They found the island and its natives filled with peace, yet with mountainous houses like you've never seen before. They were fed like real guests, treated so dearly. Expectedly, they built families which turned into civilizations. However, as time passed, strangers' world influenced the beliefs and traditions. It became dominant due to the passion the bloomed between men and women.

At present, secrecy is still the main intent. The island shall be left unknown. Purity shall remain untouched.

As what Leonidas said, they believed in gods and this established temples.

Later children have tried voyages in order to dig up each ancestor's country. However, the explorers came back ill mouthing the air has become poisonous as they travelled further. It was the tree that gives them air for survival.

No doubt it felt so light.

From then on, the air has become the absolute hindrance into reaching the probable new world.

Learning a culture isn't that hard in my world. Books and internet will provide you your own kid of adventure.

Antique was also the basis of the construction of the establishments, fashion industries and artificial resources. It wasn't explained how, but an article surprised me. A crime and a compact have led to all innovations for every visit opens another chance of observation and research that were being brought forth to their world.

Whoa. How brave of them to publish all these? It will apparently be read by the young ones. Do they really wanna impart injustice to the whole kind?


I closed the book, pissed off. I headed to the candle holder mounted on the wall and lit the candles on. I'd rather have them than light bulbs.

Bo Young, out of nowhere, appeared. I slumped on the bed and switched on the night button. The roof's pieces dramatically rearranged on the edge of whatever that is.

There you are, stars.

"How much do you know about Johann, Bo Young?" My body suddenly became stupefied. Where the heck did that come from?

"The prince, you mean, my lady?" I shrugged, pretending to be cool as she lightly took steps towards my bed.

"Yeah, the prince."

Her smile was bitter-sweet; my eyes could not even read what's on the back of her mind. It wasn't easy to tell. She slightly pulled up the hem of her dress to sit down.

"The prince is a sweet and loving young man, Lady Van. My late mother used to take care of him that's why we grew up together."

My brows arched in disgust and disbelief. "Johann, sweet and loving? Heck no." The lady nodded with her eyes dreaming, her shoulders moving up then down like dancing.

"Of course." Then she became quiet again. "The time you've been given was not yet enough to learn each other's gentle side." Her voice made me wonder. "But you eventually will, my lady."

They must be friends, Bo Young and Johann. I always see them talking, look so comfortable with each other. In some ways, I wonder when would he treat me as what he does to her. I mean, they seem to get along, but us? No way.

Bo Young bid good night and reminded me of tomorrow's grand ball. The official announcement.


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