Luke tidak mau membukakan pintu untukku. Ia mengunci dirinya di dalam kamar.
"Luke, maafkan aku." Berkali-kali kata itu keluar dari mulutku hingga membuat kakaknya heran menatapku. Walaupun mereka bertanya ada masalah apa, tetap aku tidak bisa memberi tahukannya.
"Luke..buka pintunya." paksaku sekali lagi.
Tidak ada jawaban.
Luke didn't let me in. He locked himself inside his room.
"Luke, I'm sorry," I repeated that words thousand times. Jack just staring at me weirdly. He asked me what actually happened but I didn't answer.
"Luke the door," I begged him.
But still no answer.
ContoNamaku Michael, dan aku mencintai Luke. My name was Michael, and I loved Luke. [written in 2 languages] top: Bahasa Indonesia bottom: ENGLISH Copyright © 2016 Todos los Derechos Reservados por: JOSIE