Possessed - Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen



 Devon stared at me, titling her head to the side. “What’s up?” The colour drained from my face. This wasn’t my girlfriend anymore. Shit, why didn’t we just go straight to my parents’ house? I licked my dry lips. “Are you okay?” I asked, trying to keep my voice light and calm.

“I’m fine,” she replied, confirming my suspicion.

“Good. You gonna grab some things so we can get going?” To my parents’ where I either need to pray hard that Devon comes back before we arrive or try to get Zara in that room somehow.

“Where were you taking me, Spencer?” she asked, pulling her mobile from her pocket. To call who? Holding the phone to hear ear, she narrowed her eyes. Devon’s beautiful face glared at me. “Dante, I thought I’d give you a few minutes to say goodbye to your best friend.” My world stopped spinning. Goodbye to Devon.

“Zara, just calm down. Don’t do anything stupid. Let’s talk about this,” I said. My voice sounded surprisingly even when images of Devon’s lifeless body plagued my mind. I felt sick and utterly terrified at the thought of something happening to her. She didn’t deserve any of this. She was completely innocent in all thisand I wasn’t going to let anyone hurt her.

“At your place,” Zara said into the phone and laughed. “Well I suppose it’s our place.”

“Zara,” I said. “Dante, it’s fine. Stay where you are.”

Zara hung up and raised her eyebrow at me. “I think he’s on his way.” Of course he was. I knew they was no way he’d hang around after she said that to him. He’d want to try and help Devon. I just knew by doing that he was aggravating Zara and making her more hostile.

“Okay,” I replied, trying to keep my voice calm and level. She was unpredictableand I had to keep her onside, especially now Dante was racing over here to rescue his best friend. “What do you want, Zara?”

“I want us to be happy. Alone and happy.”

“Why alone?”

“Because everyone interferes all the time. No one understands how I feel.”

Perhaps because you go postal instead of talking. “How do you feel?”

“I love you. I love you so much it’s all I can think of. I can’t move onand I can’t spend an eternity missing you. When you die you’ll be an old man and I’ll still be young. I don’t want that.”

“So you’re planning on living in Devon’s body?”

“Don’t say her name!” she snapped. “You weren’t supposed to like her, she’s just a body, my way of communicating with you. I only chose her because she moved into my old house. She’s nothing.”

I gritted my teeth. She wasn’t nothing to me. In the short time I’d known her she’d become a huge part of my life. I’d never felt like this beforeand there was no way I was letting anything happen to her because of my psycho ex-friend.

Devon was a bad topic to be on with Zara. Her whole body had tensed and eyes were even emptier then usual. Play along. Keep her calm. “Okay, I’m sorry. I won’t mention her again.”

That brightened her moodand she smiled. “Good. I knew you’d understand. We’re going to do this together. I promise you we’ll be happy, Spencer. Just trust me and let me show you how good it can be between us.”

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