Days before Wedding

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The guys said,"Hey" seeing me. They stood up to hug me. April asked us to talk & said that she'd be back in a sec. Sal & Murr asked about my work. I asked about Joe & Q. Sal said,"We were shooting. They got tired & went home." we also talked about old days, how we used to go hang out after the show was over, how we used to have picnics. All the memories came back to me. Soon April came back with cold beers. We talked a lot that day. Then Sal & Murr went home. I also came back home.

I couldn't check Twitter because of heavy workload. I fixed myself a sandwich for dinner & logged into my Twitter account. I saw 20+ notifications & 10 messages. I checked my messages first . I saw Q had left me 50 messages & Sal, Joe & Murr had left 10 messages altogether. I first opened Q's messages. It goes like this:
Hey..... Where are you? Long time no see, huh?

Are you alright?

Where are you?

Did you change your number? I couldn't reach you on your phone.

I'm really worried now.

I feel like you don't wanna talk to me.

Are you mad at me?

& it goes on & on like this. I felt guilty for not keeping contact with all of my friends. I then checked my notifications. I saw Brian Quinn tagged you in a post. 105 people followed you. And so on. I took out my phone & texted Q:

Hey I'm in town. The guys must have told you. I'm sorry for not replying to your messages on Twitter & yes I changed my number.

A minute later I received a text from Q:

At last. I was worried sick. I knew you were alright but I had to check it myself.

I sent back some goodnight emojis. He also sent the same back. Then I hit the bed.

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