A New Friend

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The next day I came to know that Lydia, Q's "childhood friend" & also a model, was gonna come to the wedding. & Q was so excited for her coming. So was everyone. I kind of felt insecure as Lydia knew Q better than I did & they would talk & have fun with each other & I would feel left out. She reached there the next morning. The previous night Q & I had a great sex like before.
In the morning, I got up & saw everyone's attending to Lydia. She's a sexy looking blond with a big ass. She had a beautiful body. Q seemed to give her a lot of attention. I went down to meet with her.

Time skip to dinner:

Lydia seemed nice. At dinner Q sat beside Lydia. They shared with us their childhood jokes. The whole dinner Q didn't talk with me. We exchanged couple of looks but that was it. He was happy with her. She was staying in the room right beside mine. I could hear them two laughing. I just hoped Q would come that night. So I stayed up & kept my door open. After some time the light in Lydia's room went off & I could hear sounds through the thin walls. I couldn't believe my own ears. He was sleeping with her!!! I felt disgusted. Tears rolled down my cheek. I tried to suppress the sound of my crying with my two hands. I was weeping hard. I fell in love with a man who never wanted me.

The next day I woke up early. I couldn't sleep well. I wasn't feeling well either. Q was ignoring me totally. Amidst this I came to know from April that Lydia would go to the wedding with Q. I was devastated. Q asked me before. I thought we were gonna go together. Only 3 days is left till April's wedding. Everybody was getting ready for the big wedding. Sal had gone to a nearby bar with the guys for a bachelor party. We girls were having fun in April's bachelorette party.

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