Stalker Alert! (Part 1)

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I was happy forgetting Q. I was dating Dean, my colleague. Though I don't date colleagues, this one was a bit different. He was so romantic. We were going out for 1 week. & yet we didn't sleep together. I wanted to take things slow. Not like the previous time. Q called me couple of times which I totally ignored. After sometimes he stopped calling. Guess he got tired.

One day I received a text in my phone from an unknown number. It said," Save me. I'm in an abandoned place. Smwhr near water in NY. -Q."
I was stunned. "What!" What is this? I was worried. I called the guys. What they said was unbearable. Q has been abducted 2 days ago. Sal talked to him on the phone last at 6:30 pm on Tuesday. From 7:00 pm the guys couldn't find Q. They had to rediscuss some ideas. That's why they were looking for Q.
I asked them why they didn't tell me earlier. They said," We were not sure if it was an abduction. Plus you guys were not talking."
I said to them,"So? We are friends. & you let your friends know whenever you're in danger." They apologized. I told them about the text I got, supposedly from Q. They asked me to meet at NYPD. I rushed there. When I reached I saw the guys were already there.

Detective Burk saw the text. & said," Okay. We will do our best to find him. Don't worry."

I said," How can I not worry? He's our friend! Please Detective save him as soon as possible. No one knows where he is, in which condition. Maybe the kidnapper is torturing him." I was rambling like a crazy. He said, " but the kidnapper didn't ask for ransom. Generally they do that. I'll just try to trace the phone signal & see where the phone was last active. We'll let you know soon if we find anything."
We came back from the police station. I was broken down. I misbehaved with Q last time we we were together. I didn't return his calls. I felt terrible. Maybe he called for help. I was such an asshole. Murr was driving my car as I was crying like a child. He said putting his hands onto mine," I know what you're going through. But you have to stay strong. For him." We went back to Q's house where I Mr & Mrs Quinn. The guys tried to comfort me. Sal & April had just got back from Hawaii. & within this short span of time how could something like this happen?

To be continued...........

Hey guys, forgive me if I made any mistake. Plz comment if u like this story. Comment even if don't like it.

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