Chapter 2

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Picture of Liam Hemsworth as Luke Vandall at the top or side.


Luke Vandall

"Luke! You're going to have to get your ass over to the club opening now! This is your legacy and it's all you've ever wanted. You can't just not show up! And besides, I've come down with the flu so I need you there to make sure that things run smoothly." My sister, Leslie yelled. She was the head of PR and she and her team coordinated all the events of Vandall Corporation.

"Fine I'll be there." I'd made up my mind not to go, trusting my sister could handle everything but now I knew I had no excuse.

"Good. And have fun, will you. All you ever do is work." With that, she hung up on me.
Little sisters... You gotta love em.

As much as I hate to admit it, she was right. Ever since I took over the company from my dad, I haven't had any time for fun. My social life is pretty much non existent, aside from a few flings with girls who'd thrown themselves at me. I'd only ever had one serious relationship, and she'd turned out to be a money hungry psychopath. Since then, I've gone through a series of one night stands and girls that never lasted past the weekend.

I know, I'm the ultimate playboy and that reputation has cost me a lot. It meant I had a lot to prove to the board of directors and the business partners, who didn't think that a 27 year old with a history of womanising was suitable to head the company. Funny how they seemed to forget the fact that I'd graduated Summa Cum Laude from Harvard in Business Management and went on to Princeton where I did my Masters in Finance.

But my father was pretty adamant that I took over, despite all the scepticism. Ever since I got the reigns of the company, I decided to take it in a different direction. Yes the old way in which things were run was good. My father, integrating his passion for cooking and the business knowledge he'd gained from years on the stock market, started a chain of restaurants. He started running it with my mum, who was a chef, after they met at a patisserie in Paris. My way, however, which was, rather than sticking to just restaurants and limiting ourselves. Why not expand towards the night club industry? It would appeal to the younger generation thus creating more income and revenue for the company.

I remember when I first pitched the idea to the board. They'd all but laughed in my face. Who's laughing now? The club, Element, was predicted to yield 74% profit, which is amazing news. With the promos and publicity stunts that my sister pulled off, it was going to be the party of the century. Exactly why I didn't want to go.

No point wasting time contemplating, I definitely have to go now. Grabbing my iPhone 6s, I texted my friends letting them know I was indeed going to the club opening after all and to meet me there.

Changing out of my jeans and t shirt I grabbed an Armani navy blue suit before quickly getting dressed and heading out the door. I looked at my Calvin Klein watch, it wasn't 8 yet. Too early for the guests to have arrived, giving me time to make sure everything was perfect. I headed down to my car that was parked out front.

Slick as a whistle, my driver pulled the Rolls-Royce up at the back entrance of the club. Once in, I was stunned at the exquisiteness. It was amazing and even I was astonished at the way it turned out. Millions of light bulbs hung low from the ceiling glowing a magnificent purple hue. The dance floor was wide and had a modern, futuristic touch to it. Every time the crew members, who were doing last minute touch ups before the doors opened, walked on the tiles that were previously black, they glowed in multiple colours. The open bar was huge and had professional bartenders who did the whole spinning bottles and juggling act. It was rather impressive watching them mixing drinks and making interesting concoctions.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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