Final Words

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(play Never Stop by Safetysuit; Its on the side>>>)*AUTHORS POV*

Demi was pulled out of the darkness. Slowly opening her eyes, the first thing she saw was the light. The light that will lead her to peace and tranquility. She smiled and reach out to touch the only thing that was capable of helping her live without a single worry in the world.

At the feel of her touch, he shot his head up. Demi saw the dry tears on his cheeks and the new one's forming in his eyes. She looked in his wide eyes filled with happiness. He smiled widely at her and she responded with a weak one. But her smile held so much. Her eyes adoring his every feature, happy to see that he was here.

For what seems like an eternity of staring at each other with so much love, Niall grabs both of her pale, weak hands. He bends down on one knee beside the hospital bed. Demi shoots him a knowing smile and this time, the tears form in her eyes. Niall pull's out a small velvet box with his shaky hands and directs his vision to the girl who has put him through hell and back but still loves unconditionally.

He opens his mouth and begins, " This is my promise to you, Demi. You always say that you want to see me happy, and I promise that I will be happy forever if you accept my proposal. I will never get used to having someone as beautiful as you in my life, Demi. Please. I will never stop loving you and I will never stop treating you like my princess. You are my purpose in life and I want you and everyone in this whole world to know that. Never in my life will I regret this decision of asking you because I want you in my life forever and always. I know you don't have much time before you leave me Demi, and it hurts me to know that" Niall sobbed. He continued, " So, I need to know before you leave me. If you love me as much as I love you. Demi Lovato, will you marry me?"

She tightened her grip on his hands and answered his question. "Niall, I love you so much. But why do you want to marry me if I will be leaving you? Don't you want to be happy in your future? With a wife and your family? I wont be able to give you that, Niall."

He remained bent down on one knee. "No, I want you, Demi. Your the perfect girl for me. I will never take off my ring no matter what. I love you, please say yes." He pleaded, tears streaming down his face. 

Suddenly, he got an idea. Telling her that he'd be back in a minute he stormed out of her hospital room towards his band mates in the waiting room. He briefly explained his plan to them. They all agreed to help their friend out and separated to find the things they needed. Meanwhile, Demi was in her bed. She noticed the beeps getting slower and she hoped that Niall would be back before it's too late. She made her choice about her proposal, she wanted to leave happy and the only way to do that is being married to him.

Minutes passed and Niall returned to her room. She spotted a small crowd behind him. Doctors, nurses, Harry Louis Zayn Liam Selena Eleanor Perrie and Danielle. Along with a reverend, everyone was there.

Niall rushed to her side holding a golden ring between his fingers. Engraved in the band were the words 'Nothing Like Us'.

"Demi Lovato, every time I look at you I love you all over again. Like the first time I saw you. I still remember that, do you remember? I fell for you instantly, and I'll never get used to that feeling of loving you. I wish we can grow old together and have that family we always used to talk about. But that doesn't matter as long as I got the chance to at least have you as my bride. To them we would be married for moments, but to me we will be married forever. And when I'm feeling alone or something, I hope you'll be there with me to comfort me and make me feel happy like you always do. And every time I go to sleep and wake up I know that you'll be there to wish me a good day, or a good night. B-but the point is that I know you'll never leave me. You'll be my angel and I will always love you." He slid the ring on her finger.

He saw Demi struggling to keep her eyes open. He knew it was getting late. Demi managed to speak through the tears. "Niall Horan, I will never leave your side. No matter what happens tonight, I will be with you. You were my purpose in this life and you still are. Every time you look at me my breathe gets taken away. Never in my life had I thought that I would have a husband as amazing as you. And I will be your angel and I promise to take care of you and your family. You might not see me or feel me but I will never stop holding your hand, and laughing at your funny jokes..." She trailed off. The drowsiness was taking over her body. She looked around the room. Smiling at the guests, all her friends. They smiled back as well. Some silently crying and others sobbing. Knowing that their old friend was escaping her life too soon.

With the official words of the reverend, they were married. Niall and Demi leaned in and kissed each other for the final time. Everyone cheered in the background but Niall. Through all the cheering he could hear the faint beeps of the monitor, getting slower and slower. He broke away from the kiss and looked at his wife. She weakly smiled at him.

"No, no please don't. Not yet, oh god, please." He whispered frantically. Demi shook her head, nothing could stop it. Everyone grew silent intently watching the married couple.

They shared their final kiss muttering three words that held so much meaning to the two; Nothing Like Us and I Love You.   


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2013 ⏰

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