Chapter 12

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Jada's P.O.V

Another day @ school, Im so tried. I got up nd took a shower, creamed my skin, then put on this.

•White off the shoulder shirt tht says "I Love Candy" in black nd red letters

•Dark blue skinny jeans

•Black, white, nd red Jordans

I grabbed my phone, bag, nd headed downstairs. Then me nd Michael left. Sean nd Chris were waitin outside of r house again. I hugged Chris.

Sean: No love 4 me *Offended*

Me: Nope

Michael: Sean forgot 2 tell u, these 2 love birds here r goin out

Sean: Sense when

Michael: Idk lets just go *Starts walkin 2 school*

Me: *Runs ahead 2 him* Michael r u really ok wit this

Michael: Im fine wit it, I just dont want 2 see u hurt

Me: Ok thx u *Hugs him*

Chris: *Comes behind me*  Wat were u 2 talkin bout?

Me: Dont worry it was nothin

When we got 2 school, Chris walked me 2 my locker I got everythin I needed 4 class. Nd we went 2 class.

~Skippin 2 Lunch~

So far the school day was goin by fast, I knoe Roc was starin @ me a lot but I just had 2 ignore. Me, Sean, nd Michael were bout 2 head 2 Mcdonalds. But were couldnt find Chris, when we were lookin 4 him. We found him kissin tht slut Mercedes. Tears started 2 form in my eyes. Before I could run off, Michael grabbed me. I just broke down in tears. I pulled myself 2gether nd now I was mad. I just walked 2 my locker nd headed home. Im so done wit relationships. When I got home, I went straight upstairs, locked the door, closed the curtains, turned my phone off, nd cried myself 2 sleep.

~5 hours later~

I woke up it was really dark in my room, I turned on the light. I grabbed my phone nd turned it on. I had 53 calls from Chris, nd 24 text messages from him 2. I threw my phone on the bed nd hopped in the shower. When I got out the shower, my phone started ringin again. I ignored it, nd put on my pjs. I grabbed my phone nd headed downstairs nd Michael was watchin tv, then my phone rang again. I handed it 2 Michael.

Michael: Wat

Me: Tell ur friend 2 stop callin me

Michael: *Groans* Fine

Michael P.O.V

I knew this shit was gonna happen. Nd I knew I was gonna get put in the middle of this. I answered the phone wow this is the first time I heard Chris sad.

Phone Convo

M- Chris u need 2 get over this *Jada smacked me upside the head* I mean u need 2 give her time 2 calm down

C- Bro u dont understand Im in love wit ur sister

M- Then y did u kiss Mercedes

C- I didnt kiss her, she kissed me nd she wouldnt let me out of her grip

M- Well then y didnt u tell someone

C- Cuz she said if I dont stay away from Jada shes gonna hurt her

M- Bro were talkin bout my sister, this girl took boxin, cuz she wanted 2 be stronger then others, just give her time

C- Kool can u tell Jada Im sorry

M- K

Convo Over

I handed Jada her phone nd she was just lookin @ me.

Me: Wat

Jada: Well wat did he say

Me: He said Mercedes forced him 2 kiss her, nd tht if he doesnt stay away from u, she was gonna hurt u

Jada: Ha thts funny he got u

I gave her a straight face, she doesnt understand how dangerous, Mercedes is.

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