Chapter 14

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Jada P.O.V

I was sleepin peacefully, when I was rudely interrupted by my phone ringin. I answered the phone.

Phone Convo

J- Hello

C- Hey babe, did I wake u?

J- Yes

C- I was just wonderin if its ok if I came over

J- Sure, but let me asks u somethin

C- Sure anythin

J- Did u call me "babe"

C- G2g bye

Phone Convo Over

Aww y did he hang up, I was ok wit it. Anyway I got up, nd took a shower, nd put on this.

•White crop top tht says "Music is the answer" in black letters

•Black skinny jeans

•Black nd white adidas

I went downstairs nd Michael was kissin on this girl. I took out my phone nd took mad pics.

Me: Excuse me


Michael: Babe calm down

??: NAH Im gonna go *Walkin 2 the door but I stopped her*

Me: Um u got it all wrong

??: Nd how is tht

Michael: Cuz this is my sister Jada, sis this is my girlfriend Amber

Me: Girlfriend? *Shocked*

Amber: Sister, Im so sorry Jada I didnt knoe Michael had a sister he never told me

Me: Its alright, nd he never told me he had a girlfriend

Michael: Cuz she goes 2 a different school

Amber: Yup all girl private school

Me: Wow *Still shocked*

~Doorbell rings~

I got it was Chris just in time. I hugged him he was shocked but hugged back. Nd walked inside. He seen Amber nd Michael, nd was in shocked like me.

Chris: Mick whos this

Michael: Oh Chris this my girl Amber, Babe this is my best friend Chris

Amber: Hi

Chris: Hey, yall want 2 go get some ice cream

Everyone: Yea lets go

Michael: Wait, Jada go change

Me: Come on bro

Amber: Babe just let her wear tht its cute

Me: Thx u *Smiles*

Michael: Fine

So we started walkin 2 the ice cream shop, I kinda made Michael never told me her had a girlfriend, nd shes pretty cool. When we got 2 the ice cream shop, I order wat I wanted nd just when I was bout 2 pay Chris payed 4 me. When we were done we started walkin back 2 the house.

Me: Chris u never answered my question

Chris: Wat r u talkin bout *Pretendin not 2 knoe*

Me: Did u call me "babe" on the phone?

Chris: Ok yes, I did but- *Kisses him* Wat was tht 4?

Me: U sound cute when ur nervous

When we got back home Amber suggested tht we watch a romantic movie, nd we did she was all cuddled up wit Michael, nd Chris had his arm around me. It was startin 2 get late so Michael walked Amber home. Nd it was just me nd Chris.

Chris: So r we still 2gether

Me: Yea *Kisses him*

When I pulled away Chris started ticklin me, I kept tellin him 2 stop.

Me: Chris stop

Chris: *Stops nd kisses me*

I heard the door open nd my dad came in.


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@rayraylovers thxs 4 the help I would have been stuck on this forever.

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