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|rozdział nieśmieszny, ale polecam włączyć sobie do rozdziału piosenkę|

Darth Annie: Mam genialny pomysł! *-*

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Mocy... Jaki?

Darth Annie: Zaśpiewamy Hello from the dark side!

Kylo Ren: O nie...

Darth Sidious: Hello from the dark side

Darth Annie: I must've killed all the jedi

Luke Skywalker: can't say that i'm sorry

Leia Organa-Solo: for blowing up Alderaan

Darth Annie: We could've ruled the galaxy
Darth Annie: as father and son.

Darth Sidious: Hello from the dark side

Yoda: do or do not there is no try

Han Solo: it's just not real easy

Obi-Wan Kenobi: to keep building death stars

Darth Sidious: but it don't matter it clearly

Darth Annie: doesn't stop the empire anymore.

Han Solo: Greedo

Lando Carlissan: Lando

Kylo Ren: Han Solo

Padmé Amidala: C-3PO

Tarkin: Admiral Ackbar

Boba Fett: Jango

Kit Fisto: Kit Fisto

Bail Organa: Bail

Qui-Gon Jinn: Watto

Kylo Ren: Supreme Leader Snoke

Snoke: Kylo

Darth Sidious: So hello from the dark side

Darth Annie: i must've killed all the jedi

Luke Skywalker: can't say that i'm sorry

Leia Organa-Solo: for blowing up Alderaan

Darth Annie: we could've ruled the galaxy
Darth Annie: as father and son.

Darth Sidious: Hello from the dark side

Yoda: do or do not there is no try

Han Solo: it's just not real easy

Obi-Wan Kenobi: to keep building death stars

Darth Sidious: but it don't matter it clearly

Darth Annie: doesn't stop the empire anymore.

GWIEZDNY CZAT ✦ star warsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz