"Come on Luke, let's go." She says, sliding her hand down his arm to hold his hand. "She's so freakin flirty." I think to myself. They walk past Cal and I towards Luke's room. I stay standing there even when they've already gone and they door is closed. "Y/N," Calum says, bringing me out of my daze. "Let's go out. I cant stand her." He screws his nose up. "Me either. Let me just get a jacket." We go to get hotdogs and sit in Cal's car. He clears his throat. "Look Y/N I'm really sorry about Luke. I wish he wasn't so blind." He says before taking a bite of his hotdog. "Don't apologise it's not your fault." I give him a sad smile. "I know, I just feel bad." He sighs, putting his arm around me and I lean against him. "I'm always here." He runs his hand up and down my arm comfortingly. "Thanks." I savour the moment even though he's just my best friend, I dream maybe Luke will perhaps hold me like this one day.

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